Watch your attitude: because negative thoughts create angry energy directed . I am yet to explore other members chart including the maternal chart (of course with consent) but its been interesting to note patterns in 3 charts of the immediate family that I have on hand and I recall that you have mentioned in some of your previous posts about soul group taking birth to complete karma together. One you are brought face to face with some karma which requires work and you are made to work for it. Positive aspects to Saturn are there as gifts to help you work on lessons in a positive manner that Saturn is presenting. (Dreamstime) We often get fearful on hearing few numbers such as 13, 14, 16 and 19. You can learn energy healing modalities if you feel like it or take up come profession related to medicine or counselling. Another sibling has Moon/Saturn in 8th of Sagittarius, then another Moon with exact Sun/Saturn in 9th house of Cancer. Shyness, stammering, stage fright, etc are common. That would be indicative through the placement of Saturn as well as the house where Capricorn is at, in addition to planets in Capricorn. Your possessions are apt to bring worries rather than happiness because you may need to learn to share with others. Just wanted to being this to your attention. What Are the Karmic Reasons for the Social Planets and the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart? So I usually tend to think I am among the more blessed ones and everything in life does not have to be perfect to feel so. Feelings of inferiority, insecurity, or unworthiness may push you to great ambitions and accomplishments. You may feel a bit isolated from siblings and neighbors or they may give you trouble. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th. If the horoscope shows and evolved soul and the Saturn is auspicious then he can work as a highly spiritualising force in your life. Hello Maam, Though, with this placement you could be in danger of being overly concerned with your reputation, being obsessed with your ambitions and career to the point of forgetting about everything else in your life. the more challenging the birth chart, the more progress one is making on the evolutionary path however minute the steps might be. If you have Saturn in the 8th House, you are a hard worker who is patient and thrifty. What is the Karmic Reason for Intercepted Houses? If you have Saturn in the 1st House, you are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. these decisions are made before taking birth, This prevents you from being as popular as you would like to be. Saturn is known as the stern teacher and that is the planet that represents the lessons that need to be learned. The cause of the rage may be described by other planets or signs involved with the twelfth house.If Saturn or Capricorn is also involved, a death is likely. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Your karma is to develop self-discipline and vulnerability with other people. There may be difficulties connected with foreign travel or foreign cultures. . Inauspicious Saturn in this critical house can give a lot of trouble as the entire personality and environment suffers under his constrictive influence. There might be problems in hearing or speech. Saturn's karmic work in the 1 st house is rather typical. if you are less than 48yrs old use the birth chart The lesson is to, yes fulfill your goals but if you have become a work-a-holic, the one thing you will be responsible for is to find a 12-step program for it. If you have Saturn in the 11th House, you have many acquaintances, but only a few close friends, probably older ones. The first one of Saturn through Nakshatras, i.e. Try to be detached so that you can think clearly in profession. He a Yogkarak for Taurus and Libra ascendants. Could you describe some remedial steps for each house placement? Chronic health problems can be experienced if subconscious fears are not brought out into the open. Hi there naturally it will, Once you are able to fulfill that duty, you will feel more secure emotionally within. if you are a genuine student, how many study charts have you collected? and no it does not work like that, every position has different shades of meanings When d-1 is favorable, moon chart seems unfavorable and vice versa. You owe a debt to your loved one, resolve it else you will be repeating this same painful lesson again and again. You may be a caretaker of someone or of your parents, perhaps because of a karmic debt to them. You are forced in this life to work on yourself as a whole and find it within you to be at peace with yourself. There may be a karmic tie from the past to the partners in this life. Therefore, with Saturn in the 12th house/Pisces, you are forced once and for all to look within and deal with the hidden demons within. Best regards. I stumbled upon your blog during the lockdown and it has been tremendously helpful to me. You will gain power in your profession/ society steadily and are expected to exercise it carefully. Just wondering.. Hi there Act with love: towards everyone no matter what they've done. The 10th aspect of Saturn: Here Saturn will make you do your pending Karma. Family problems almost always exist with this position but try to learn to resolve them. Intimacy is not just physical intimacy, it is also emotional. You are capable of studying systematically and might take up subjects like theology, law, where deep introspection, cross-referencing etc is necessary to arrive at a suitable conclusion. You will have to take up some regular spiritual activity to overcome this typical placement. You have to work on your confidence and you do it. You fear failure but are ambitious, you feel that you are on a mission. 1.Kindly check the position . Saturn is our Karmic Debt from past-life. There will be very few genuine people like this in your life. There may be sorrow and suffering despite having all material things. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. These are the areas that you will find to be the major stress points of your life, and there is a karmic reason for it. Does listening to or reciting the Shri Sukta help unmarried people (who are having trouble getting married) get married? You might fare better in technical work or work involving the hands. Being a taurus ascendant, I have 5 th house saturn conjunct 2 degrees away from a exact same degree venus jupiter combo in 5 th house. The exchange might be karmic. Mathematics and strategy games may appeal to you. To recognize visitors, calculate unique visitors creating report, recognize returning visitors. Saturn in 1st House: +++++ You have earned karmic debts related to Self Esteem, Self Identity and Self Confidence. eg the same soul can be your mother, father, daughter, wife, business rival etc in several lives as you work out the differnet facets of karma with it, being born in the same family doesnt mean that all will do the same practice! This is a person who you would normally find working in closed spaces such as prisons, or rehab centers or even captured and locked down against his or her will away from . Perhaps you may have been the perpetrator in that, depending on Saturns position and condition. If you have older siblings you cannot establish good relations with them. You have to learn to recognise what makes life beautiful. It is people of Authority, like Boss at your Work Place or Father-Figure at Home. There may be many responsibilities and problems in your home or family life. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Restrictions on self-love, personal genius, creativity, conscious link to the divine, expression of individuality, enthusiasm etc are all there, especially when younger. I just had a humble query as a student, so placement of malefics (in this case saturn) in dushamsthan, can it be considered as auspicious, from the perspective of negative cancels negative? He grants solitude, fear, dissociation, sorrow, insecurity, pain, loss and facelessness. I have Saturn, Mars and Moon In Virgo in 3rd House. My moon is in 8th. Because you feel like you have no freedom, you will be finding yourself spiritually deprived and down. This is a karmic duty on you to rebalance some misuse of the powers of the 5th house by you in the past. The House that Saturn occupies in your birth chart shows the area of life that you take very seriously. . The first house in birth chart describes the energies you project into the world. There is no emotional anchor in life and the mindset is complex. You generally take good care of your body, exercise, diet, take medicines in time etc so that you remain fit. You may not be at your best with strict time deadlines, but you do try to always do your duty. in other words, there is a lot of karmic debt they have to pay back. How Saturn in 7th, where it is having directional strength helps in karmic repay. The friendships you make endure for many years. Try to focus on who you are becoming, rather than on who you currently are. Once that is achieved, not only will you succeed in finding balance in your relationships, but you will find balance within yourself too. If you really have no or little positive aspects like trines and sextiles to Saturn, you can use easy aspects that you have in other areas of your birth chart and implement those gifts to help deal with the lessons Saturn is throwing at you. Perhaps you feel unloved or that you are not worthy of love. If Saturn is auspicious then you will also have servants working for you, but you will be sympathetic towards them and treat them humanely. The main focus of your life was to help others in any means possible. You are seen as a very serious person. You may dislike change because of an unconscious fear of the unknown. Because of your emotional restriction, you can appear to be cold, unloving, and unresponsive. He is here to give you lessons in order to evolve and grow properly so you do not have to face those again. Partner teaches us to get serious and finally grow up. I have been meaning to ask you this question for some time now and I wonder if you could shed some light on the following: Several members of my immediate family have a moon/Saturn conjunction with varying degrees of conjunction e.g. Learn to be humble, helpful but at the same time try to assert your opinion, express your will. Libra's governing house is the 7th house of marriage, partnerships, marriage partners . In a previous life, you may have treated siblings poorly. Check out which planet is aspecting him. Saturn in the 7th house is essentially a fear of having no significant partnership. The Natal Moon in the 12th house. But now Saturn will give you the opportunity to rectify things. Do not overwork to the point of exhaustion. Your present path may involve serving mankind in some manner. 8th house - Debt towards spouse family. Lots of heartfelt love and gratitude. There is the higher law of Karma operating for all. Saturn in the First House: A very strong need to express the responsibility of one's Soul Purpose. The year 1966 only gets reduced to 22 instead of all the way to 4 so I almost thought both of my parents were Karmic Debt free but they actually aren't, which makes sense to me. You would think this would be a very karmic placement considering Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Perhaps you have this placement due to too many lessons from different previous lifetimes not taken seriously or ignored or abused. As always things will dramatically change after you cross 36yrs of age (Saturns maturity age). 40 years spent with suffering only, wonder when my life will become better. Hi there You feel vulnerable when your loved one tells you that he/she loves you. And when Saturn is in retrograde, that can be seen as double karma. I hope you would be kind enough to address those , One request is that i may have some personal details that you may want to hide/delete when/if you post it publicly, Looking forward to having some guidance & insights Tejaswini ji, Hi there Material successes will come slowly, some help may be received but there will also be setbacks. Listen to it, recite it .. keep the shri yantra as ur phone wallpaper.. All planets work well in the 9th house so this Saturn can grant you inner peace etc with time. Next, you fear intimacy. What is meant to be enjoyable would be considered to be a chore to you? . You may be somewhat of a tyrant or strict disciplinarian in your home or with your family. You must accept your responsibilities, otherwise life will be a series of setbacks and failures. Going through the Shani Dasha with Moon antardasha. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It is possible that, in your past lives, you were thrown out from your society, outcaste types and thus now you are not sure about your community. Namaste madam. I stumbled upon your blog during lockdown and it has been such an enlightening journey for me since then especially since I have started to lear astrology i have written a lot on 6th 8th 12th houses, do use the index page. In that case, partner stays with us and relationship lasts until that problem . So in this you are being taught this lesson of frustration and delay. Saturn in the 12th house gives an inherent fear of being imprisoned, confined, disabled, insane, helpless dependant etc. If you can think of some social cause you can participate in, this energy will be balanced. unless you practice analysing charts you wont learn You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You are repelled by higher learning, philosophy, belief, faith, outer trappings of organised religion etc at least when you are younger. Perhaps in a previous life you may have developed a poor reputation, and may have not taken your career as seriously as you knew you should have (and would have had these regrets about that later on in your previous life). The cookie is a session cookies and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Now you have to work on this belief aspect and come to a conclusion about your own truth and foundational philosophy. If you have karmic debt from previous lives in an area of your life, that will be represented by the placement of both Saturn and Capricorn. A strong inner discipline gives you the ability to repay your past life debts, though. In this case, there will be an obsession with money (worrying about the lack of it), or you may have a lack of money, depending on Saturns condition. So now you are restricted from emotional comfort, security, rest etc that a home means, alienated. i sit with Adi Shankarcharyas books and read sanskrit, others cannot be bothered with it. Intimacy is not just physical intimacy, it is also emotional. Clinging to the material due to fear is common, and you could come off as extremely stingy. Those are the areas of your life that you would find to be the most problematic or difficult. By clicking "Allow All" you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyse site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Your karma is to hold yourself accountable. Or see instead Saturn in the Signs. The other area of your chart that represents a major karmic lesson for you to learn is the areas represented by Saturn. However, with Saturn here, you will most definitely have issues in regard to feeling secure within your home and family life. . Try to stay optimistic in your thinking and in the meantime simply keep working hard. Or you are completely restricted from this aspect of life, ie the positive energy of the entire house remains unavailable and things connected to it become a burden on your soul. How to interpret transit for the charts having moon in dushma sthan? At first, "doing" your karmic Saturn will not be easy peasy. To read what Saturn represents in astrology, go to Lesson 5: The Planets. most of them do not do anything extra, just the regular daily pujas, And this can eventually make you greedy, acquisitive, selfish, miserly by nature, you will hoard everything. Since Saturn is in the 1st house and this house represents our overall health. This blog,http://psychologicallyastrology.comand all the material in it, is my personal experiences, copyright and my intellectual property, do respect this. Discipline is needed in relationships. You may question absolutes, God and religion in general. Karmic tension is felt in the relationship. You feel emotionally insecure in society, thus prefer a more secluded life style. The father is generally unloving or unavailable especially in the childhood thus there may be some psychological issues regarding expression of the self-ego. There can also be issues concerning abuse, sex and power. You may also be forced by your family to follow a certain faith even though you do not agree with it. Time consuming projects do not bother you. You may need to re-evaluate your values. This could lead you to choose the wrong people, play "victim saviour". Whichever house in your chart is influenced by him, be prepared to work hard in these aspects of life. You may also see yourself having bad luck in the romance department. Or you were not treated in a humane manner. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in the same proportion. Now that you have a better understanding of Saturn, and why it is the karmic planet- how does it affect you and what major lessons must you learn? When you are constantly dealing with issues such as addiction, being faced with enemies (who maybe those who you had hurt or killed in previous lives or vice versa) and ending up in the hospital due to mental illness many times- you will not be able to ignore Saturns lessons in Pisces. You may deal with a lack of self-control, overindulgence, and commitment issues. but since the time Ive come across your blog Ive started the Soham mantra which is slowly but surely giving me some stability in my mind. If he is combust, retrograde, exalted etc. Although I have always been a very social person most of my life, I have slowly started craving to live / move to a more isolated distant location. You may question your personal values and are in danger of basing your self-worth on financial assets. . Catastrophic events leading to self-transformation now restricted by Saturn. (Googleanalytics). You are intuitively confident about your own ideas, thought processes and you have the perseverance to follow them up. Very well described the impact of hard task master in all houses. Never take advantage of your partners, it will rebound on you badly. Here I will list down the snapshot area of life where SATURN is indicating for each individual and directing us towards this path of MOKSHA from our KARMIC Debts. Saturn is always karmic duty, fear, restrictions, constrictions, budgeting yourself, making full use of what you have, etc. Presently my Jupiter mahadasha has started. In several books you will read that Saturn is good in the 3rd 6th and 11th houses. Choose your practice with due diligence (8th house is twelfth from the 9th) as you might get misguided. On the other hand, you gain the determination to build solid, long-lasting success regarding the matters of this house (even if it does take a lifetime). You may have had strict parents, and your emotions, in general, maybe ruled by fear! You might face abandonment, isolation, frustration, sorrow. Always try to bring kindness, gentleness, spirituality and acceptance into these things represented by Saturn, however difficult it may seem. You may be a workaholic or you may simply need to learn "how" to work. There can be feelings of fear, doubt and a lack of confidence in yourself. You have to work gaining confidence in life, to learn to mingle with others, to boldly speak out on what you want, to stand equal with your siblings. Years ago I was going through Shani sadesati and it was sheer hell. Saturn in the 9th house of luck and divine blessings will make you a non-believer, an atheist. You want no change in partnerships but it does not work like that. You might face abandonment, isolation, frustration, sorrow. Saturn in this house/sign is difficult but overcoming these challenges can be done. ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), This difficult position will affect your spiritual practice also, as essentially, spiritual practice is merging with your innermost self, the deepest transformation possible. Thank you! This placement does not deny money, but you must work hard for it. How it relates to debt: Reduced to a single digit, 1 + 3 is 4. You may have been condescending or was the type that just talked and never cared to listen to what others said or thought. Just listening to Hanuman Chalisa made a big difference.

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saturn in 1st house karmic debt