Also, some abilities benefit more from being used in a synergistic macro, than they do when used separately. This works fine if Cheetah is up but if Hawk is up, it removes it and leaves no Aspect active. \use 13 ensure that if your pet has a target already, cast Kill Command, otherwise if your pet s without a target, send it in to attack? Theres really no way to effectively employ a /castsequence macro (spamming one button fires all of your shots). The target conditionals are the following: @player Target yourself or your player location to cast a spell. 1. because sometimes you want to let your pet attack your target. Primary Care: 860-346-2256 Fax: 860-346-3576 Same day and evening appointments. greater return. Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. Which really makes no sense. This means you cant trigger any two of them together in a macro, in any order. Some of those files were LARGE. i am a mm hunter and i have been destroying all casters in a couple of secs once we start fighting. The Warlock one is long, but that's because it needs to try every pet ability. Customize it to suit your particular fishing gear setup, then have fun fishin! If theres a simple way to remove those old settings, Ill gladly run through and tidy things up. Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work? in the castsequence, add a aspect , Is it possible (or any idea at all) to macro in /cast !auto attack in all my shots to ensure that auto attack always starts off first or do I only need to include it in my initial shot (which would be Explosive Shot on an enemy with health over threshold for a Kill Shot), My rotation is: Just make sure youre not tracking ore, herbs, hidden, fish, etc, /cast [modifier:shift] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet. Rather than having a key that issues a default attack based upon range, you should be working your ass off trying to get range. Thanks for the help. Macro Basics. Sry that question, we tried it with 2 people 3 hours and it wont work so we give up. /cast Silencing Shot Ive a presentation next week, and Im at /use 15 In spite of my moderate gear, I evidently keep surprising others with my output (grin). /cast Explosive Trap(Fire) or Immolation Trap(Fire) If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. Why? Some of the races in WoW have traits that can provide more powerful benefits or have some added use and versatility when placed in a macro. To me, the logic seems incorrect. /cast Multi-Shot /castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto shot When you really need to burn someone down you hit this button and launch into your shots. We are in deadly/furios gear mostly. Also, you dont need to copy the *.bak files. Both. /cast Kill Command You could also add a [@focus,harm] in there if you like to focus enemy healers or flag carriers. Here's what it does in order: Hold Shift to Call Stabled Pet, if your pet isnt out left click will call it out, if it is then it will mend pet, right click revives. This macro will cast Anti-Magic Zone at your cursor location. While pressing the alt modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your mouseover target. Unfortunately, you cant macro them together so that they function like our old Freezing Arrow. mouse click to focus and left mouse click to target. This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. Right click on this macro icon will clear your focus target. /cast [nopet,mod:shift] Call Pet 2 /cast focus fire Try double-tapping the button and see if that forces Disengage to trigger anyway, logic is since Wing Clip is on GCD the script will skip that line and jump down to the next. ElvUI is a complete replacement for the default User Interface. I have a quick question about your All-in-One Aspect button though does it, by chance, show which Aspect is currently active? Thanks for any help you can offer Ive absconded with several of your macros already, with great appreciation. Looking for a mouseover pet attack macro : r/classicwow Looking for a mouseover pet attack macro I had one and deleted it unfortunately. #showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* had a problem w/ one after multi checks. /petattack - Roid-Macros - GitHub Pages As of Patch 5.0.4, all of these macros are current and fully functional. any suggestions. Before the macro I'd bind pet function 1 (attack) and 5 to two buttons, but occasionally the situation comes up where the pet needs . 6 Belt or is it just my UI that is acting weird? No matter what specialization youre playing it will use your main damage cooldown. For some reason, /castsequence I use that macro a ton, but I put Dash/Dive in mine. /petassist otherwise on your current target. Having your pet retreat is also key for setting up Charge. Use this macro instead for anything outside of PvP: /targetenemy First, like the others here thank you so much for this website and the wealth of info. Traps share the same GCD as Disengage. I dont copy and paste macros, but rather search the intarwebs for ideas then script my own. First of all, AWESOME tips for macros, helped my PvP a lot :D. This macro will command your pet to use its Claw ability on its current target everytime you want to use Scourge Strike. Vanilla WoW Warlock Pet Macros. doesn't take up much memory, which could cause you to lag, and displays a If anyone can that would be great. Youve got 5 abilities covered in that macro, which is in my opinion, way too many. Im the same way. hea great marcos gar, great site, keep up the good work. /petattack Many thanks for this useful post, i want to let you know that i very noob at macros,thats why i have a question This macro sends your pet to find and destroy shaman's totems. /petfollow, thnks, have been slowly blending ur macros and they are awesome. #showtooltip [nopet] Call Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet;[modifier:alt] Feed Pet; Mend Pet just a couple of macros that ppl might like, im a draenei BM hunter (love my spirit beasts) personally. Thats when things start to get rough. moving and stopping. (and by /use not /Cast, aspects wont go off if it is allready on same aspect). Keep up the good work! is there any way to make a macro for casting serpent sting with concusion shot and casting arcane shot with mend pet. /use [nocombat,nomounted]Darnassian Nightsaber; . /cast Rapid Fire raiding guilds, particularly when assigning jobs like interrupt orders, or Pressing the shift modifier will clear the focus target. Weak Auras is the most important AddOn for players seeking to master their A stock image of a German Shepherd. A castsequence will get stuck if you cast hawk then cheetah, you will go into viper on the next press. Hi, /targetnearestenemyplayer /startattack Use /s if you want to make it more subtle, but its supposed to be over-the-top and cheesy. This stops your pet from attacking a target if it is already in pursuit. Heres the patch update notes: Patch 3.0.3 (2008-11-04): Now fails if youre rooted and is no longer on the global cooldown. /castsequence reset=3 Serpent Sting, Hunters Mark, Scatter Shot, I know you dont like castsequence macros, and I rarely get past the Marking, but a little disssorientation never hurts (Because I spam this macro, I deliberately dont have /cleartarget in there I dont want to clear the target I pick up, after all.). Macro itself will target the mouseover in order to cast Soulstone I dont know what you think about this one, for a Pandaren Hunter Just swap in the type of bandage you have in your inventory. It allows you to use Wing Clip if you haven't gotten away already, and resets to Raptor Strike when its ready. I have Ashtail and i would love to have a macro that is basically set up like this, /target (anyone) I have HM assigned to F3 and /petattack is W. Hey man, nice guide. /cast Thunderstomp position in order to accomplish a given task such as an interrupt on a debuffs and quickly select new targets in combat. did someone say single button trap launcher?? You cant use Mend Pet in a macro with other attacks because its on the global cooldown. This one will switch to Aspect of the Hawk (or keep Aspect of the Hawk if active already) before placing a Hunter's Mark. /cast silencing shot. If using in PVP you might also consider targetenemyplayer to make sure you gt the warlock, not his demon, the hunter, not his wolf etc. /cast Wing Clip. Any tips/tricks? thanks. Looking for a mouseover pet attack macro : r/classicwow - Reddit If you are a new client, please contact us at 860-346-2256 with any questions or to set up a new appointment for your pet. Kudos to you! I will be say BIG THX if someone will do. Use a worm with Glyph of Mend Pet (in place of Glyph of Disengage). However, that method cant come close to a players ability to make intelligent decisions on the fly, and is simply just a horrible way of doing things. Best way to do this is to macro it in to your shot(s) like this: As long as the gloves youre wearing have an on-use engineering enchant of some sort, you never have to fiddle with the item name in the macro. But before this was so, yes that was a great macro. /cast Aspect of the Monkey Similar to the Bestial Wrath macro, this macro ensures all DPS cooldowns are lined up with your primary Marksmanship Hunter burst ability, Trueshot. i twicked one of your macros to fit my playstyle into this /sequencecast reset=1 Concussive Shot, [@mouseover] Frostbreath I use Tranq shot liberally in BGs, but you dont want to use it too much as it does no damage, and you want to hurt your enemy after all. Only after the man stops shouting and pets the dog's head does it stop barking and relax. /cast Hunters Mark Id imagine something like this could work for your 3s team. Try it with mend pet with a 15 second reset, or serpent with 28(?). Then you have a few seconds to either disengage, lay a couple traps, etc, whatever you need to do to prepare for the fight. That should add a visible yell emote to the macro. 6. Toggles between Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Cheetah, If shift-clicked it will cast Aspect of the Pack. This macro got its name because it gives almost complete control over your pet in a single button while also taking advantage of the focus targeting system. . /cast Stampede Q: All this macro stuff looks really great and all, but how can I start using them? Hunters are often early targets and its good to have protection as often as its up. i have tryed. /focus - focus an enemy, friendly player or npc. However, The tooltip just shows the default ?, and the macro is only allowing either mouseover or current target. [pet:felhunter,@mouseover,exists,nodead][pet:felhunter,@target] Devour Magic; /cast [nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life. /petattack If you have the target selected first, then that macro will work. All macros on this page are copy/paste ready, so have at it! also casting Immolate on it. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will Chains of Ice your current target. and the 20% reduce is just a perfect against warrior when they charge me and got Juggernaut that increase their mortal strike by 25 % crit, its just amazing that you have 24% reduces damage from the attack. I looked into the issue with the extraneous __MACOSX folder which appears to PC users, and have found a piece of 3rd party softer to remove it. ive tried /castsequence killshot, explosive shot.but that doesnt work. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Warlock addons and macros. For example, I learned that in order for my macro to not target and skip dead player corpses, I have to add [noharm] and [noexists] thanks! Place the Demonic Circle while holding shift, or teleport to the circle There are no restraining orders in Azeroth, are there . /cast [nostance:3] Cat Form; [nocombat] Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; Feral Charge Cat. Very useful macro made even more useful! Weak Auras allows /cast [button:1] Hunters Mark /cast Thunderstomp I took my explosive trap icon ability out of my bars and it stopped working, when I put it back on one of my action bars, it started working again. If you are not satisfied with the default combat text, this AddOn is an I still have to tab target and then hit HM. targets while soloing when you want your pet to tank. So the answer to your question is no, there is no macro for what you seek. The other thing about yur macros is that you will have little control about using your burst abilities (Rapid Fire and Call of the Wild) while in a macro like this. You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. I think that when you hit it it changes the spell on your bar to Explosive Trap! /petfollow. I made this using an older Hunter macro while in IF testing out rotations to find a steady shot rotation that wouldn't starve for focus while maintaining a solid DPS. /cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [modifier:ctrl] Revive Pet; Mend Pet. They are simple to macro but might help some folks new to marks. /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Pressing this macro with the shift modifier will cast Scare Beast on your focus target, e.g., kitty or bear Druid. Using Gladius in arenas allows a rt. Please let me know, if you get positive results as well. to date all the time. in front of the various mounting macros. . received, what buffs and debuffs they had, whether they used their personal /cast [@mouseover,harm][harm] Hunters Mark We managed to reach 1750 (from zero) in 3v3s as BM with 4-5 hours of play. This is avery handyHunter macro. If you right click with no modifier, summon pet in stable slot 2. I guess its the cool downs that are keeping me from making it work. This is one iI found while searching, so whoever created this, I am eternally grateful! page. boss mechanics. You can even combine the on-use engineering gadgets into one macro. /cast Misdirection If you hold ctrl, call pet in stable slot 4. Using it initiates a one sec cooldown, so you cant bring up your target circle for at least 1 sec after pressing it. Now the main target is the weapon. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay.". /cast Aimed Shot, This will ensure that youre always in fox when trying to regen focus, and have you in hawk anytime youre casting a high DPS shot. /cast call of the wild Thanks . addition to my weekly read! /cast [mod:shift][@focus] Scare Beast FAQs Good point. Awesome macro basics!! This will make it way easier. The simple misdirection macro should work, you just a have to make sure to set your focus first. /dismount [mounted] Here is a simple list of all my macros that I currently use in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. #showtooltip /cast [btn:2,nocombat] feed pet Good luck on the next 100 rating. I love my macro in Alterac Valley, especially when those strays happen to run by. Youre correct. /petattack Can anyone help me how that macro should look like? [mod:shift], [mod:ctrl], [mod:alt] Modifiers allow you to add more decision making abilities to macros. Ok, I tried the I tried to write a little macro that would help me fire off cobra shot and be able to move around but then change back into AotP, it went like this: /cast aspect of the fox /cast [@targettarget, noexists]; !Auto Shoot /petattack [button:2] /focus [@mouseover]. i need a macro that i can use chimera shot and if its on cd i want it to use kill command.. at present i used /cast chimera/cast kill but kill only gets activated if i use it immediately after the chimera.i want to use it at other times as well when my chimera is on cd, Very nice job m8 really helped me alot but, Is there any way to make my pet run to me then attack again using charge?

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mouseover pet attack macro