Work fast with our official CLI. Welcome to the wiki for those lovers of the ROBLOX game Emergency Response: Liberty County. | 1.77 KB, Lua | {Name = "Suburb 1/N", CFrame =, -9.268, -1560.8)}. Free Roblox Script Emergency Response: Liberty County. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. List of available robberies can be found below. Links: DISCALIMER----------------------------------------------------------------------. 3) You will see the website and click "Proceed ro target". Emergency Response- Liberty County - Buy tools tutorial! {Name = "Suburb 1/S", CFrame =, -9.238, -1518.6)}. Once a player commits a crime, they will be given the criminal status. This video is not hacking-related as I'm trying to show them an exploit/glitch for the game. Free Roblox Script EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUI. Continue. {Name = "Trap Door", CFrame =, 0.715, -1233.165)}. 1 hour ago With that being said, all links are safe and like stated earlier, everything used on this channel are completely safe and harm free (LINKS INCLUDED) | 3.36 KB, C++ | Nothing on this channel that can harm others will be posted AT ALL. | 2.78 KB, C | {Name = "Park", CFrame =, 25.5, 125)}. Police and sheriff teams will allow players to progress in both teams while playing in the other, meaning when a player reaches a rank in the police team, they will reach the equivalent rank in the sheriff team, and vice versa. The limitless opportunities allow all players in each team to have a good experience. Cool Autofarm, haven't seen one for the game in awhile. {Name = "Tool Store Inside", CFrame =, 25.748, -710)}, {Name = "Hideout", CFrame =, 4.5, 832)}, table.sort(Client.LocationName, function(a, b) return a < b end), table.sort(Client.StoreName, function(a, b) return a < b end), table.sort(Client.AtmName, function(a, b) return a < b end), if cframe and typeof(cframe) == "CFrame" then, local oldws = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed, LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0, LocalPlayer.Character:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cframe), LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = oldws, local function Teleport(CFrame, Callback, NoAnchor), LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true, LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame, LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false, Teleports:Box({Name = "Tp to player", ClearText = true, Callback = function(Value), local Character = Utils.GetCharacter(Player), if Player and Utils.GetCharacter(Player) then, Client.TP(Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame), Teleports:SearchDropdown({Name = "Locations", Options = Client.LocationName, Callback = function(Value), local LocationData = Utils.FindTable(Client.Locations, Value), Teleports:SearchDropdown({Name = "Stores", Options = Client.StoreName, Callback = function(Value), Teleports:SearchDropdown({Name = "Atms", Options = Client.AtmName, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["AutoRobEnabled"] = AutoRobTab:Toggle({Name = "Auto Rob Enabled", State = false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["AutoRobHouse"] = AutoRobTab:Toggle({Name = "Auto Rob House", State = Settings.AutoRobHouse or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["AutoRobATMs"] = AutoRobTab:Toggle({Name = "Auto Rob ATMs", State = Settings.AutoRobATMs or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["AutoRobJewelry"] = AutoRobTab:Toggle({Name = "Auto Rob Jewelry", State = Settings.AutoRobJewelry, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_Enabled"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "ESP", State = Settings.ESP.Enabled or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_Boxes"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "Toggle Boxes", State = Settings.ESP.Boxes or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_Tracers"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "Toggle Tracers", State = Settings.ESP.Tracers or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_TeamMates"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "Show TeamMates", State = Settings.ESP.TeamMates or false, Callback = function(Value), --[[ESP_Window:AddColorPicker("ESP Color", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_Team"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "Use Team Color", State = Settings.ESP.Team or false, Callback = function(Value), Core.Toggle["ESP_Name"] = ESP_Window:Toggle({Name = "Show Name", State = Settings.ESP.Names or false, Callback = function(Value), VehicleCheats:Box({Name = "Vehicle Horsepower", ClearText = false, Callback = function(Value), local Drive = require(Vehicle["Drive Controller"]), VehicleCheats:Box({Name = "Vehicle Max Speed (Lower = Faster)", ClearText = false, Callback = function(Value), VehicleCheats:Button({Name = "Mod Vehicle (Preset Values)", Callback = function(), Client.Notification("Grey", "Modded your vehicle"), Core.Toggle["Disable Detections"] = VehicleCheats:Toggle({Name = "Disable Detections", State = Settings.DisableDetections or false, Callback = function(Value), for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace")["Traffic Lights"]:GetChildren() do, Core.TLDetections[#Core.TLDetections + 1] = {Object = v.Detection, Parent = v}, Core.TLDetections["SpeedTraps"] = workspace.TrafficDetections.SpeedTraps, workspace.TrafficDetections.SpeedTraps.Parent = nil, Core.TLDetections["EvasionDetections"] = workspace.TrafficDetections.EvasionDetections, workspace.TrafficDetections.EvasionDetections.Parent = nil, SettingsT:Button({Name = "Copy Discord Invite", Callback = function(), setclipboard(game:HttpGet("")), SettingsT:Button({Name = "Disable All", Callback = function(), writefile("ThisStuff_2534724415.json", HttpService:JSONEncode(Settings)), UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GPE), if Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) and not GPE and Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and Settings.ClickTP then, local OldAutoPick = Core.Toggle["Auto Lockpick"]:GetState(), local OldAutoSafe = Core.Toggle["Auto Safe"]:GetState(), Core.Toggle["Auto Lockpick"]:SetState(true), local Math = math.random(1, #game:GetService("Workspace").Houses:GetChildren()), local House = game:GetService("Workspace").Houses[Math], Math = math.random(1, #game:GetService("Workspace").Houses:GetChildren()), House = game:GetService("Workspace").Houses[Math], if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Lockpick") then, Teleport(Utils.FindTable(Client.Locations, "Tool Store Inside").CFrame, function(), Response = ReplicatedStorage.FE.BuyGear:InvokeServer("Lockpick"), if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Lockpick") or Response ~= "Good" then, if not House:FindFirstChild("DoorHandle") then, Client.TP(["MarkerPosition"].Value)), wait(5) --// What's the matter with the checks, ReplicatedStorage.Houses.EnterHouse:FireServer(House.Name), if LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Visible == false and Lockpick.Line < 6 then, until Lockpick.Line > 6 or Core.AntiHelicopter, until workspace.HouseRobbery:FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name), until #workspace.HouseRobbery[LocalPlayer.Name]:GetChildren() > 0, local DoorCFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, for i,v in next, workspace.HouseRobbery[LocalPlayer.Name]:GetChildren() do, LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true, Teleport(v.CFrame +, 4, 0), function() wait(0.4) ReplicatedStorage.Houses.StealItem:FireServer(v) wait(0.2) end, false), local Part = v:FindFirstChild("MainSafe", true) or v.PrimaryPart, Client.TP(Part.CFrame +, 2, 0)), ReplicatedStorage.FE.StartHack:InvokeServer("StartHack", Part), until LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Visible == false or LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Position.X.Scale ~= 0.5 or LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Position.Y.Scale ~= 0.5, Core.Toggle["Auto Lockpick"]:SetState(OldAutoPick), Core.Toggle["Auto Safe"]:SetState(OldAutoSafe), ReplicatedStorage.Houses.ExitHouse:FireServer(), LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Settings.SpeedCheats and Settings.WalkSpeed or 16, local OldAutoComplete_ATM = Core.Toggle["Auto ATM"]:GetState(), if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("RFID Disruptor") then, Response = ReplicatedStorage.FE.BuyGear:InvokeServer("RFID Disruptor"), if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("RFID Disruptor") or Response ~= "Good" then, Client.TP(Utils.FindTable(Client.Locations, "ATM - Powerplant").CFrame), for i,v in next, workspace.ATMs:GetChildren() do, if #v:GetChildren() ~= 0 and v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Part") then, local Distance = (v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Part").Position - LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Magnitude, if Core.Robbing == false or Core.AntiHelicopter then, ReplicatedStorage.FE.StartATM:FireServer(ATM), local Response2 = ReplicatedStorage.FE.StartHack:InvokeServer("StartHack", ATM), if Response2 ~= true and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.Visible == false then, until LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.Visible ~= true, FireButton(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.SuccessfulHack.ClickHere), Core.Toggle["Auto Lockpick"]:SetState(OldAutoComplete_ATM), local OldAutoDrill = Core.Toggle["Auto Drill"]:GetState(), if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Drill") then, local Response = ReplicatedStorage.FE.BuyGear:InvokeServer("Drill"), if not LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Drill") or Response ~= "Good" then, if #workspace.JewelryCases:GetChildren() < 4 then, Teleport(, 12, -432), function() wait(1) end), for i,v in next, workspace.JewelryCases:GetChildren() do, Teleport( - Distance), function(), local Response = ReplicatedStorage.FE.RobJewelry:InvokeServer(Case), JewelryFloor.Position +=, 1, 0), LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Drill")), until LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Visible == true and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Position.X.Scale < 1 and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Position.Y.Scale < 1, VirtualUser:ClickButton1(, 15), math.random(5, 15)), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame), until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.TimerText.Text:match("%d+.%d")) <= 1.5 or tick() - Start >= 25, until tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.TimerText.Text:match("%d+.%d")) == 0 or LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Visible == false, if LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Drill") and Settings.AutoRob and not Core.Robbing and not Core.AntiHelicopter then, Robbery.Cooldowns.Jewelry = Robbery.CooldownTimes.Jewelry, Core.Toggle["Auto Drill"]:SetState(OldAutoDrill), if Settings.AutoCompleteSafe and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("GameMenus") and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Visible == true and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Position.X.Scale == 0.5 and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Position.Y.Scale == 0.5 then, local Rotation = SafeValues[tonumber(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Top2.TargetNum.Text)] --// Rotation % SafeValues[10] == 0, local LocalScript = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe:FindFirstChild("Movement", true), LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Safe.Dial.Rotation = Rotation +, 10), FireButton(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Safe.Dial.ImageLabel), FireButton(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.ImageLabel.TextButton), elseif Settings.AutoPick and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("GameMenus") and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Visible == false and Lockpick.Line ~= 1 then, if Settings.AutoDrill and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("GameMenus") and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Visible == true then, LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Drill.goodzone.Size =, 0, 1, 0), if Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) and Settings.AutoComplete_ATM and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.Visible == true then, for i,v in next, LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.CycleFrame:GetDescendants() do, if v:IsA("TextLabel") and v.Text == LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.SelectingCode.Text and v.TextColor3 ==, 0, 0) then, FireButton(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.ATM.Hacking.ClickButton), elseif Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) and Settings.AutoRob and not Core.Robbing and not Core.AntiHelicopter and (tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.ATM > 30 and tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.House > 30 and tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.Jewelry > 30) then, --print(tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.House, tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.ATM), if tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.House > Robbery.CooldownTimes.House and Settings.AutoRobHouse then, elseif tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.ATM > Robbery.CooldownTimes.ATM and Settings.AutoRobATMs then, elseif tick() - Robbery.Cooldowns.Jewelry > Robbery.CooldownTimes.Jewelry and Settings.AutoRobJewelry then, game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function(), Lighting.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), if Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) and Settings.SpeedCheats then, if Settings.AutoPick and Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("GameMenus") and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Visible == true and Lockpick.Line <= 6 and not Lockpick.Disabled then, local collides = Lockpick.collisionDetector(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Pick[Lockpick.Line]), if collides and Lockpick.Line <= 6 and LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Pick:FindFirstChild(Lockpick.Line) then, local RandomWait = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Pick[Lockpick.Line].Size.Y.Scale / RandomDiv, if, 10) > 2 and tick() - Lockpick.LastDisabled > 1.5 then, if LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Pick:FindFirstChild(Lockpick.Line) and Lockpick.collisionDetector(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.Pick[Lockpick.Line]) then, VirtualUser:ClickButton1(, 8), workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame), if not Lockpick.NoLP and Lockpick.LPC ~= 2 then, LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Lockpick.OpenEvent.Event:Connect(function(), LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(Character), Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"), Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("JumpPower"):Connect(function(), if Settings.SpeedCheats and Character.Humanoid.JumpPower ~= Settings.JumpPower then, Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = Settings.JumpPower, hookfunction(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.RobJewelry.Drill.goodzone.TweenSize, function(), if Settings.AntiHelicopter and ReplicatedStorage.MiscValues.HeliOut.Value == false and not LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BodyPosition") then, local Vector =, 20000), math.random(100, 300), math.random(5000, 20000)), local BodyPosition ="BodyPosition"), BodyPosition.Name = RandomCharacters(math.random(5, 20)), BodyPosition.Parent = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, BodyPosition.MaxForce =, 9e20, 600), if not Settings.AntiHelicopter or ReplicatedStorage.MiscValues.HeliOut.Value == false or not LocalPlayer.Character or not LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then, BodyPosition.Position = - 300, Vector.X + 300), Vector.Y, math.random(Vector.Z - 200, Vector.Z + 200)), if LocalPlayer.Character and LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then, LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("JumpPower"):Connect(function(), if Settings.SpeedCheats and LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower ~= Settings.JumpPower then, Core.Toggle["Disable Detections"]:SetState(Settings.DisableDetections), Core.Toggle["Infinite Stamina"]:SetState(Settings.InfiniteStamina), Client.Notification("Green", "Created by NoTwistedHere"), ReplicatedStorage.ClientBinds.PushPopup:Fire("Be careful when using the script in a server you do not own/trust. Additionally, the game appeared on the front page of Games on Roblox. {Name = "Highway Base", CFrame =, 3.698, 126.127)}. Emergency Response- Liberty County - Join the fire department team tutorial! Emergency Response: Liberty County Codes (Expired) These codes for ER:LC no longer work. {Name = "ATM - Back Alley", CFrame =, 24.496, 387.245)}. [NEW BEST Emergency Response Liberty County Script GUI Hack Pastebin 2023] [ Script Link ] SCRIPT - 1 hour ago We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. | (Unpatched ) NooVster 4.04K subscribers Subscribe 976 Share 14K views 3 months ago. Civilians and criminals have access to the most selection of vehicles. Below is the best information and knowledge about emergency response: liberty county script compiled and compiled by the team, along with other related topics such as: emergency response liberty county script pastebin 2022, emergency response liberty county script gui, emergency response liberty county script 2022, Emergency response ANY SCRIPTS FOR Emergency Response Liberty County V3rmillion Exploiting Roblox [REQUEST] ANY SCRIPTS FOR Emergency Response Liberty County Advertise with us New information about ownership structure. Welcome to the ER:LC wiki. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Below, we'll give you all the active Emergency Response Liberty County codes as well as any expired codes just in case you wanted to try them. These players can enforce the law of the county by performing similar actions as the police team. This can be done via the in-game menu or by interacting with an ATM. Back at it again with asking for something instead of doing it myself cause I don't know how to script, anyone know a way to get the metaverse badge for . not surprised why alot of scripters just left this forum 9 . | 3.36 KB, C++ | The initial release brought simple vehicles and gears to the team, as well as automatically generated fires. Text = string.format("%s has joined the game (%s)", Player.Name, Player:GetRoleInGroup(4328109) or "Not Found"), for i,v in next, Players:GetChildren() do, if LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Safe.Dial.ImageLabel.Rotation > Safe1[LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.Safe.Top2.TargetNum] then --> Not Finished. IF there is a way you can make this less laggy, and more efficient it would be great! Emergency Response: Liberty County (ER:LC) is a free to play multiplayer city roleplay game in Roblox released and updated by Police Roleplay Community (PRC). Players in this team will be able to access various medical or firefighting tools and vehicles. | 2.78 KB, C | The official Discord for the Police Roleplay Community and Emergency Response: Liberty County on Roblox! 20 min ago {Name = "ATM - Jewelry Store", CFrame =, 24.496, -405.526)}. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. The game is based around an open-world design, containing a city and countryside. somebody copies a esp script and changes the path to the part - gets 2 pages of responses. {Name = "Gas Station", CFrame =, 4.2, -1532.65)}. During its first several months of its release, ER:LC received crucial game updates which lasted healthily to this day. You've been invited to join. {Name = "ATM - Parking Garage", CFrame =, 23.748, 147.836)}. Already have an account? "), if not Utils.GetCharacter(LocalPlayer) or LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Sit == false then, local Seat = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").SeatPart, ReplicatedStorage.FE.VehicleExit:FireServer(Seat), game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait(), ReplicatedStorage.FE.VehicleSit:FireServer(Seat), for i,v in next, getconnections(button.MouseButton1Click) do, for i,v in next, getconnections(button.MouseButton1Down) do, for i,v in next, getconnections(button.Activated) do, for i,v in next, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren() do, local GunSettings = require(v.GunSettings), if not table.find(Core.GunSettings, gethiddenproperty(v.GunSettings, "ScriptGuid")) then, Core.GunSettings[gethiddenproperty(v.GunSettings, "ScriptGuid")] = GunSettings, local OldGunSettings = Core.GunSettings[gethiddenproperty(v.GunSettings, "ScriptGuid")], GunSettings.Recoil = Settings.NoRecoil and 0 or OldGunSettings.Recoil, GunSettings.AimSpeed = Settings.InstantAim and 0 or OldGunSettings.AimSpeed, GunSettings.ReloadTime = Settings.InstantReload and 0 or OldGunSettings.ReloadTime, GunSettings.Accuracy = Settings.NoSpread and 0 or OldGunSettings.Accuracy, local HidingSpot =, #HidingSpots), return HidingSpots[HidingSpot] +, 5), 0,, 5)), function get_target() -- thanks unrealskill for making this function (, local Node =, ray =, ray.Direction * 10000), local Hit, Position = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {, if pcall(function() local a = Hit.Transparency end) and Hit.Transparency == 0 then, return #Hits == 0 and Mouse.Hit or, Node = * (Node - Node.p), return math.abs(a.X * (b.X - c.Y) + b.X * (c.Y - a.Y) + c.X * (a.Y + b.Y))/2, function createFrameCollider(frame) --// From DevForum, local frame_absoluteSize = frame.AbsoluteSize, local frame_absolutePosition = frame.AbsolutePosition, local frame_height = frame_absoluteSize.Y, local frame_area = frame_width*frame_height, local frame_center = frame_absolutePosition + frame_absoluteSize/2, local frame_theta = (-frame_rotation)%180, frame_theta = frame_theta < 0 and 180 - math.abs(frame_theta) or frame_theta, local frame_theta_rad = math.rad(frame_theta), local shift_y = math.sin(frame_theta_rad)*frame_width/2, local shift_x = math.cos(frame_theta_rad)*frame_width/2, local offset_y = math.cos(frame_theta_rad)*frame_height/2, local offset_x = math.sin(frame_theta_rad)*frame_height/2, local edge_rightX = frame_center.X - shift_x, local edge_rightY = frame_center.Y + shift_y, local edge_leftX = frame_center.X + shift_x, local edge_leftY = frame_center.Y - shift_y, local a = - offset_x, edge_leftY - offset_y), local b = - offset_x, edge_rightY - offset_y), local c = + offset_x, edge_rightY + offset_y), local d = + offset_x, edge_leftY + offset_y), local obj_pos = guiObject.AbsolutePosition, local b = obj_pos +,0), local c = obj_pos +,size_y), local d = obj_pos +,size_y), for _, points in ipairs({corners, corners2}) do, local normal = - p1.Y, p1.X - p2.X), local projected = normal.X * p.X + normal.Y * p.Y, minA = (minA == nil and projected) or (projected < minA and projected) or minA, maxA = (maxA == nil and projected) or (projected > maxA and projected) or maxA, minB = (minB == nil and projected) or (projected < minB and projected) or minB, maxB = (maxB == nil and projected) or (projected > maxB and projected) or maxB, LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("GameMenus"), for i,v in pairs(getconnections(LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.DOT.OpenEvent.Event)) do, Core.DOTConnection = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.GameMenus.DOT.OpenEvent.Event:Connect(function(Object, Type, ), if Settings.InstantChangeTire == true and Type == "ChangeTire" then, elseif Settings.InstantFixLights == true and Type == "FixTrafficLight" then, for i,v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").Vehicles:GetChildren() do, if v["Control_Values"].Owner.Value == LocalPlayer.Name then, if not ReplicatedStorage.UnitList:FindFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name) then, ReplicatedStorage.FE.CanChangeTeam:InvokeServer("Medium Blue")), local Callsign =, 9999), local Response = ReplicatedStorage.FE.CheckCallsign:InvokeServer(Callsign), ReplicatedStorage.FE.TeamChange:InvokeServer("Medium Blue"), GetCallsign()), local OldCFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, if not v:FindFirstChild("Is_Wanted") then, if LocalPlayer.Character and v.Character then, LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, if LocalPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Handcuffs") then, LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(LocalPlayer.Backpack.Handcuffs), ReplicatedStorage.FE.Eject:FireServer(v.Character, v.Character.Humanoid.SeatPart.Parent), ReplicatedStorage.FE.Handcuffs:InvokeServer("Handcuff", v), ReplicatedStorage.FE.Handcuffs:InvokeServer("Arrest", v), LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = OldCFrame.

Hawk And Tom Salary, Which Commander Was Known As Barbarossa, Articles E

emergency response liberty county script