Located between Madison and Cambridge on Hwys. 10:45 AM Miller N Co Auction Update. Auctioneers: Tom Bidlingmaier, Browntown, WI (608) 328-4878 and Cory Bidlingmaier, Monroe, WI (608) 558-4924. 76, Belvidere, IL. Accepting consignments 3/28 to 3/31 at 4 p.m. Market (920) 754 . NTI5YWZiNTAzM2Y1ZWFmNTAzNzg1NTY1NzA2YjEzMjc0ZDBhZDc0NjFhZjM5 Consignments can be brought to the auction sitebetween hours of 7:30AM-5PM. Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists: Rod920-960-7777and Dan 414-333-8625. Noon-3:00 P.M. Sheboygan County, WI Dairy & Farmland Auction. Early consignments: Kubota BX23S; JD2950; Gehl 5640; Bobcat 753F; Harley T-8 and more. 11:00 AM Huge farm auction at the Coleman Auction Lot at the junction of Hwy. Farm, farm related, garden, construction & motorsports. Holstein Heifer Calves, Single Birth: 20.00-115.00. For a detailed buyers prospectus with complete terms and conditions, contact Randy Kath at Steffes Group, 701-429-8894. 9:00 AM Live auction includes bicycles, toys, antiques and collectibles. Eligibility requirements and application details can be located below. Location is 310 Old Hwy 16 E, Rio, WI. Y2VmMmJlZTc0ZDU5NWQyMDJiYzE4MTRjNmE5MzYzM2IyZjc3NDM1ODY4OWE1 NDc0NDYzY2E2ODFjNWNmZDI1ZWI5YmNkMzY4YzViNDc4ZGExZWE0YTNhMzQ1 Partial listing with items added daily, list subject to change. High production and components for easy return on investment. High Yield Slaughter Cows: 75.00-87.00; Holstein Bulls & Calves: 95-120 lbs: 135.00-190.00; Light Weight & Poor Calves: 75.00-110.00; Holstein Heifer Calves: 55.00-85.00; Beef X-Bred Calves: 180.00-300.00. Equity Cooperative Equity Livestock Auction Market is a Auctions company at Reedsville,Wisconsin,United States , Tel is (920)754-4361,address is 513 North 6th Street.You can find more Equity Livestock Auction Market contact info like fax,email,website below. Now accepting consignments for annual spring auction. Lynaughs currently have 65-70 lb milk average with fresh cows giving up to 120 lbs. Holstein steers over 800 lbs: 75.00 to 95.00. The sale will consist of a nice mixture of approx. 29 at 11AM. Call with heifer consignments, see www.premierlivestockandauctions.com for full details. Meanwhile, butter production is steady in the West and declining in the Northeast. Butchers: 81.00-88.00; Sows: 55.00-58.00; Boars: 25.00-27.00; Slaughter Pigs: No test; Feeder Pigs, 45-50 lbs: 38.00/hd. Unfinished Holstein Steers: 90.00 & down. ZjQwMTJjMThjYjdjN2YwYjRmZmJiMzMwODUxOGIxZWI2MTE5MjJmMWJjNTUy Noon Cow Palace North Auction, N2454 Hwy 55, Kaukauna, WI. 9:30 AM Clip N Save Prairie Grange 45th annual consignment auction. Several lines consigned. Choice Dairy X-bred Steers & Heifers: No test. No titled vehicles to be sold unless valid title in sellers' name. See photos on website www.ritgerdrendel.com. Noon . Averaging 85 lbs. No hayrack items, used lumber or household items. 10:00 AM Complete shop liquidation for KNT Fabrication. Top Quality Holstein Heifer Calves: 30.00 to 40.00. NGY2ODc1ZTljZmZiNGFmOWViZmM2MzMzOGU0ZTI3ODAzNzk0N2Q0YjRlYTE3 Hosted by Jeff Toll & Vada, north of Berlin on Hwy49 to Rural St., then west one mile. Wednesday was the last reported market in Kansas with live at 138.00. Equity operates 12 auction markets and services producers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, M Home Weather Marketing Info Market Reports & Consignments Sales Schedules Audio Market Reports Field Services Online Auctions Country Cattle Buy/Sell Plain Quality & Common Cows: 500.00 to 775.00. 10:30 AM Great Northern Sales Arena presents Stars of Twinkle-Hill Celebration Sale. 9:00 AM Annual Noras Community Consignment Auction. Held at Outagamie County Fairgrounds, 637 N. Main St., Seymour, WI. Select, Unfinished & Heavyweight Steers & Heifers: 119.00 & down. daily with 3.88%F 3.03%P SCC 95-120 in the tank. Fri 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, Residential Water User Cross Connection Brochure, Reedsville Dining Site & Home Delivered Meals Menu. Online bidders and buyers register at cattleusa.com. NmY0YmFjYzYyM2ViODM4MzQyYmEwOTg1N2UzOTA3ZWQxZjM1YTY0YTdhMzNl 12 and 18. Distance to nearest public airport: 30 miles, Top Three Major Area Employers (within 8 miles):Ariens Company, Endries Inc., Professional Plating, Top Four Local Employers: Reedsville School District, Country Visions Co-op, Bill Lorrigan Construction, Equity Livestock Auction, Municipal Building Address: Auction specialists sale site:W5659 County Y, Fond du Lac, WI. Hay at 10, Dairy Cows at 11 AM. Market activity is moderate to at times active. Noon 70 high quality Holsteins selling, plus Swiss, Jerseys, cross-bred and Red & White. Sale includes tractors, skid loaders, tillage, planting, hay and forageequipment, tools and more. CALVES (06/28/22 Auction): Sold by the pound. ODdjYzBkOGQ3ZGJhMjUyNTk5NTIyMTJiNGVjZTMwYmM3ZmUwZGUwOTM4MmMw TODAY Reedsville Market Machinery Consignment Auction Friday, April 1, at 10:00 a.m. To View Consignments: http://www.equitycoop.com/index.cfm?show=10&mid=300 For additional information contact market manager, Andrew Bubolzat 608-434-4019 www.equitycoop.com Sale managed by James Seamonson, Stoughton. Tractors, trailers, farm machinery, lawn and garden, tools and more. High Yielding Cutters & Utility: 70.00 to 80.00. Call and schedule an appointment today with Mike 608-214-5761. Thin, Full Bulls, over a ton discounted: 90.00 & down. Now accepting consignments for annual spring auction. Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifers most trades this and last week were for out front delivery so no trend is available. Animal feed whey prices are moved lower on the bottom end of the range, as they are mirroring edible grade tones. Sale consists of a nice group of heifers and cows, just fresh, mostly free stall adapted. ; Feeding Lambs: 175.00-215.00/lb. Holstein Steers: under 400 lbs: up to 128.00/cwt; 400-600 lbs: up to 112.50/cwt. 10:00 AM Yoap's Auction Gallery toy auction. Large Square Hay: 140.00/ton; Small Sq. Central Livestock,Zumbrota, MN: July 06, 2022. Auction conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialist. Equity Cooperative 92, Brooklyn, WI. Items include Semi tractor; trailers/forklift/crane; tool related/garage items; trucking related items. Conducted by Ritger and Drendel Auction Specialists. Early consignments get best advertising, call 920-261-6820. YOAP & YOAP Auction & Real Estate,(920) 604-1704,www.yoapandyoap.com. Holstein steers under 400 lbs: 80.00 to 100.00. Nearly 90 years of Jerseys. Lomira Equity Livestock Market:July 01, 2022. Opens Monday, Mar. Low Yielding, Select & Underfinished Holstein Steers & Heifers: 90.00-122.00. Doug and Amanda Wallerman retirement cattle auction. Don Epping from 6-9 p.m. at 262-960-8033 or the Bill Stade Auction Co at 262-736-4141 from 8-4:30 PM M-F. Miller N Co Auction Update:Da-Ran Dairy, LLC, Luxemburg WI. High Yielding Choice Holstein Steers: 117.00 to 137.00. Sale includes farm machinery,farm related equipment, lumber equipment, primitives, shop equipment, vehicles, and much more. Equity's Northeast Livestock Marketing Cooperative will be awarding a minimum of one $500 scholarship to students. Sale conducted by Equity Coop, Reedsville, WI. After the sale, all items must be removed by Wed.at 7 p.m. Spring Consignment Auction. 10:45 AM Senland Farms farm equipment retirement auction, W3558 Campbell Drive, Campbellsport, WI. Numerous project and show age calves selling. Dehorned & Vaccinated Open Heifers, 750-950 lbs: 60.00 to 90.00/lb. 12 and 18 Deerfield, WI. Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 110.00 to 129.00. Reedsville Profile. Location Mrs. Sherwood Shank Family Farm, 17748 W. Milledgeville Rd., Polo, IL. As of 06/25/2022: Finished Market Lambs: 190.00-270.00; Feeder Lambs: Under 65 lbs: 240.00-300.00; 70-100 lbs: 220.00-270.00; Ewes: 90.00-140.00; Rams: 120.00-160.00. Includes farm equipment, misc. Sale ends March 26, cash & carry. Established in 1922, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association aids producers in the marketing, managing and financing of their agricultural businesses. Straw, lg. Accepting consignments Mar.19-26 Farm Machinery & equipment; hay, lawn & garden tools; and other farm related items: shop tools, firearms, sporting goods, boats, trees and shrubs until full. John & Dee Winkleman, (920-988-8821, John); Jeannie & Mike, Gracelyn & Garrett Bishop, (920-209-0250, Jeannie); Laurie Winkleman,920-209-0250. 250 pieces of farm equipment. 10:45 AM Senland Farms farm equipment retirement auction, W3558 Campbell Drive, Campbellsport, WI. Catalog & online bidding @www.gavinbros.com. Consign now. Bred back with beef bull for past 2 years. High Choice & Prime Holstein Steers, 1400-1600 lbs: 132.00 to 134.00. ZjkyYzliMjhhMjQwM2UwNjEwOThlNTk1ZWY3ZDQ3Njg3ZWM1NjZlNGNmOWY0 High Yielding Choice Beef Steers & Heifers: 135.00 to 145.00. Features five farm lines, farm and construction equipment and new consignments arriving daily. Port services: None available locally YzZhNzkzZjRkNTE1OGM0MDY3OGZkODMyNzA0OWFmZTUyOWFkYmMwODI2NDFl 250+ items already consigned. Upcoming auctions: Spring Construction Consignment sale May 7 Want to consign? Located at Central Wisconsin Produce Auction,N14676 County OWithee, WI. Info Equity Livestock Auction Market Main Catgory:Auctions Sub Catgory:Livestock Auctions May 1st September 30th Equipment Auction. Consignments must be called in by Mar.,16 for sale bill advertising. Yoder Auction, LLC 920-787-5549 or 920-295-2644. 1843 Hwy S 12&18 Deerfield, WI. Watch for upcoming ad and check in at millernco.com for detailed listing, pics, and auction info. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association was established in 1922 to aid producers in the marketing, managing and financing of their agricultural businesses. 5:00 PM Online only George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC. 16 from 4-6 PMand Mar.19 from 3-5 PMRealtor: Jason Syens (608) 697-0160. Now accepting consignments. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com. Plainer Quality Springing Holstein Heifers: 650.00 & down. Contact Linda Block at608-426-4091 or Cody Rufer at 608-214-4670. Watch for details. Located at 1825 Mayfield Rd., Richfield, WI. Visit www.georgeauction.com for complete listing and photos. Hansen Auto Group online auction. View pictures and a flyer on website www.bocheksales.com. Lenny Bryson 815-946-4120. Visit www.powersauction.com for more details. **Brandon, WI 10:30 AM Herd Dispersal, Farm Equipment and More for Himestra's Dairyland Milking Herd Dispersal to be held at N5433 State Rd. 2023 www.wisfarmer.com. NDE0MGIyZmQ2In0= 30,9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. -----END REPORT-----. Call John at (715) 581-1915. Call Gregg Miller at 920-980-4999 or 980-4995. 320-693-9371. A business that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits. Loading available. High Yielding Choice & Prime Beef Steers & Heifers: 143.00 to 147.00. CHEESE HIGHLIGHTS: Milk is available for cheese production across all regions, with stakeholders in the Midwest relaying prices as low as $6 under Class III for spot loads this week. Auction held simulcast live and online with bidspotter.com online bidding starting at Noon. Sale includes 120 registered and I.D. ZjBkYWM5NzQyYTQ5NzIxYjRhNjU3MDMzZGRlMmY3N2VmNjNkZGQwNmU0MDVl Prices for Central U.S., All First Sales, FOB, Extra Grade & Grade A, Conventional and Edible Dry Whey Price Range: Non-Hygroscopic, $/lb: .465200 - .630025; Mostly Range: Non-Hygroscopic, $/lb: .5150 - .5500. Good Bred Back Milking Cows: 700.00 to 1150.00. High Yielding Choice & Prime Holstein Steers & Heifers: 128.00-139.00. Expecting 200 head. Auctioneers are John and Al Henninger, Lyle Lee, Kenny Freeman, and Andrew Kitson. Sale managed and conducted by Wagners Auction & Action Agency Real Estate, LLCwww.wagnersauctionandreaestate.com. Located at N13438 Hwy 73, Withee, WI. Choice Dairy X-bred Steers & Heifers: 118.00-144.00. For information on cows and equipment see ad or visithttps://www.stadeauction.com/#or call920-674-3236. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association CLAIM THIS BUSINESS 513 N 6TH ST REEDSVILLE, WI 54230 Get Directions (920) 754-4361 www.equitycoop.com Business Info Founded -- Incorporated Annual Revenue -- Employee Count 40 Industries Auctioning Livestock Contacts Greg Cummings Contact Business Message Send Message VERIFIED Status: UNVERIFIED Wausauauctioneers.com. Sign Up See more of Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association on Facebook For a complete listvisit YoderSold.com. Visit www.premierlivestockandauctions.com for daily updates. Location: 2279 County BN, Stoughton, WI. Catalog online at https://bit.ly/35YvvGW. 29. This scholarship is available to graduating high school seniors, college freshman, sophomores or juniors, or current enrolled first year technical college students. and Fri.,9 AM to 4 PM. James Seamonson,608-575-3325. Polk Auction Company, www.polkauction.com. Includes tractors, skid loaders, machinery, landscape and construction equipment, trailers, lawn mowers, ATVs, shop tools, surplus farm and business items, livestock, livestock equipment, hay and straw.
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