Cuts or punctures of the skin caused by contaminated equipment, tools, scalpels, etc. Both front-line workers and management officials are involved in this process in the following manner: (Describe employeesinvolvement)___________________(Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that these recommendations are implemented. Other employers and contractors will be provided with MSDSs for hazardous chemicals generated by this companys operations in the following manner: In addition to providing a copy of an MSDS to other employers, other employers will be informed of necessary precautionary measures to protect employees exposed to operations performed by this company. Do not shear, bend, break, recap or resheathe used needles and other sharps by hand. %PDF-1.3 % The contents or a summary of the training sessions, The names and qualifications of persons conducting the training, The names and job titles of all persons attending the training sessions, Type and brand of the device involved (syringe, suture needle), Department or work area where the incident occurred. Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use in areas in which the need for resuscitation is predictable. They must contain the names of all persons attending the training session. This includes engineering controls used to prevent needlestick injuries. a. Upon completion of this laboratory specific plan, the PI/supervisor must file it in a central location within the laboratory along with the Boston University Biosafety Manual for all personnel to access. Valid information about the vaccine must be given to the employee so that an informed decision can be made about the effectiveness of the vaccine. Reason : Biomedical waste containers when emptied , they are lined with a bag in s . 0000206484 00000 n This exposure determination lists job classifications in which all employees have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and job classifications in which some employees have occupational exposure. Employees are to notify (Name of responsible person or department) if they discover regulated waste containers, refrigerators containing blood or OPIM, contaminated equipment, etc., without proper labels. 0000195050 00000 n For example, if you are exposed to Hep C via a prick, cut, etc. And it should be done immediately unless this is a crime scene. Additional requirements may be specified by the IBC. Vaccinations for all University employees, including student workers are administered through the Occupational Health Clinic. The exposed employees supervisor will obtain a written notice from the healthcare professional and provide a copy to the employee following completion of the medical evaluation. Join our mailing list to get the latest news and offers from MedPro Disposal and our partners! The following conditions should be considered as constituting a potential exposure: Any incident meeting the above detailed criteria requires appropriate first aid, and reporting to the immediate supervisor of the exposed personnel, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, and the Workers Compensation Office at Business Center North (BCN). Implementation of various methods of exposure control, including: Communication of hazards to employees and training, Procedures for evaluating circumstances surrounding exposure incidents. 0000016721 00000 n Get those gloves off and wash your hands. Proper cleanup is not to be taken lightly. Randomized trials have shown that hands-only CPR can be even more effective than regular CPR in an out-of-hospital setting ( 0000061736 00000 n The regulations are accessible from the Washoe County Health District web site. It outlines how to contain exposure and reduce risk to others in the workplace. c. Use an absorbent material (e.g., a towel) to reduce the spread of fluid. All faculty, staff, students, and visitors who work on BU- or BMC-sponsored projects or at BU facilities are included in the scope of this manual. Further information on each chemical may be obtained from the MSDSs, located in (identify location). Lab coats and other laundry should not be laundered at home but should be laundered using a designated University washing machine or commercial laundry service. Scientific equipment that has been contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials should be decontaminated and cleaned before being repaired in the laboratory or transported to the manufacturer. Occupational exposure means any reasonably anticipated eye, skin, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact (i.e., needlestick) with blood or other potentially infectious materials). All biohazardous waste must be segregated from other wastes (general, chemical and radioactive) to protect employees, the general public and the environment. All biohazardous waste must be disposed of according to the procedures outlined in the, Sharps, both contaminated and uncontaminated, must be collected in rigid, leak proof, puncture resistant containers that are properly labeled as biohazardous waste. 213 0 obj <>stream 0000073737 00000 n Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. Symptoms of contracting a bloodborne infection, c. The science of tracking and controlling diseases, a. Work activities are sometimes performed by employees in areas where chemicals are transferred through unlabeled pipes. It is designed to achieve compliance with State and Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards, specifically 29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. Additional requirements and training beyond this program may be required by the IBC. Additional copies of the template plan are available through EHS and on EHS website. 0000221904 00000 n Broken glassware that may be contaminated is only picked up using mechanical means, such as a brush and dustpan. ), the following activities will be performed: ADMINISTRATION OF POST-EXPOSURE EVALUATION AND FOLLOW-UP. Medical evaluation shows that vaccination is contraindicated. The vaccination shall be offered to employees at a reasonable time and place. COVID-19 Work Plan; Drinking Water Quality. Use your ungloved hand to grab the wrist of the final glove and pull it toward your fingers with the first glove inside. Take our bloodborne pathogens quiz to see if youd benefit from BBP training. Bloodborne Pathogen Training Quiz for Spill Cleanup Personnel Generally, this will be the supervisor who was notified. Renown Health Urgent Care - Ryland (preferred), Accelerator & X-ray Safety Advisory Committee, Chapter 1: Biosafety Manual Purpose, Scope & Responsibilities, Chapter 3: Biosafety Regulations and Guidelines, Chapter 5: Laboratory Biosafety Practices, Chapter 8: Laboratory Ventilation for Biosafety, Chapter 15: Animal Care and Use in University Research, Testing, and Education Programs, Chapter 16: Packaging and Shipping Infectious Agents, Chapter 1: Chemical Hygiene Plan Purpose, Scope & Responsibilities, Chapter 3: Written Standard Operating Procedures, Chapter 4: Safe Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Chapter 6: Identifying Peroxide-Forming Chemicals, Chapter 7: Corrosive Chemicals and Allergens, Chapter 8: Cryogenic Liquids and Compressed Gases, Chapter 9: Particularly Hazardous Substances, Chapter 13: Personal Protective Equipment, Chapter 14: Eyewash Fountains and Safety Showers, Chapter 15: Communication of Chemical Hazards, Chapter 18: Medical Consultations and Examinations, Chapter 21: Incident Reporting and Investigation, Laboratory Specific Training Documentation, Partial List of Chemical Incompatibilities, Voluntary Use of Air Purifying Respirators, 3.0 Occupational Dose Limits and Contamination Standards, 6.0 Procedure for Obtaining Radiation Use Authorization (RUA), 7.0 Procedure to Obtain Classroom Use Authorization (CUA), 13.0 Iodination Procedure I-125 and I-131, 16.0 Restricted Area Designation Procedure, 19.0 Procedure when Exposure Limits are Exceeded, Appendix A: Radiation Safety Staff and Services, Appendix C: Waste Pick-Up and Disposal Procedures, 1.0 Respiratory Protection Program Introduction, 9.0 Hazard Communication by Personnel Outside the Department or Workplace, 10.0 Communication of Hazard Information to Non-University Personnel, Appendix I: Labeling of Secondary Containers of Hazardous Chemicals, Institutional Oversight of Dual Use Research of Concern Policy, Environmental Health and Safety Department, University Biohazardous Waste Management Plan, Safety glasses; goggles when high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield and goggles for large liquid volumes (4 L), Lab coat and gloves as recommended in the, Face shield when there is high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield for large volumes or high likelihood of spray or splash, Face shield and chemical goggles for large liquid volumes (4 L), Face shield and chemical goggles when pouring or other transfers, Lab coat, cryogenic gloves or other insulated gloves that provide cold protection, solid toe shoes, Face Shield if spray or splash hazard Respirator: as prescribed by work-specific SOP, Gown, shoe covers, gloves, or as prescribed in laboratory SOP, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research; Cadaver embalming and dissection, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in diagnosis, teaching, and research, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research, Mental health patient care; Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research, Use HIV, HBV, HCV, or human material in research; Cadaver embalming & dissection, Launder uniforms, towels, rendering first aid; clean up contaminated sharps, Rendering First Aid; cleaning up blood or other OPIM, First Aid provided; cleaning up blood or OPIM, Incident response; handling biohazardous waste, Clean up blood; OPIM; and contaminated sharps, Designated individuals responsible for blood cleanup. If within 90 days of the exposure incident the employee elects to have the baseline sample tested, such testing shall be done as soon as feasible. Employees must be informed of the vaccines benefits and risks, and if they choose not to receive it at the initial evaluation, they must sign a declination form. Such requests should be addressed to (Name of responsible person or department). Contaminated materials used in laboratory tests should be decontaminated before reprocessing or placed in bags and disposed of in accordance with the. The (Your facility name) is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for our entire staff. Each supervisor is required to ensure that all employees are familiar with, and understand, the specific labeling requirements established within their workplace. 0000032643 00000 n Both the initial and annual refresher versions must include protective measures to be taken to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens. 205 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 207 /H [ 1161 828 ] /L 533058 /E 411704 /N 29 /T 528839 >> endobj xref 205 35 0000000016 00000 n 0000001051 00000 n 0000001989 00000 n 0000002147 00000 n 0000002373 00000 n 0000002414 00000 n 0000002863 00000 n 0000003420 00000 n 0000003791 00000 n 0000004344 00000 n 0000004799 00000 n 0000008853 00000 n 0000011803 00000 n 0000401667 00000 n 0000401806 00000 n 0000401946 00000 n 0000402858 00000 n 0000402930 00000 n 0000403050 00000 n 0000403143 00000 n 0000403336 00000 n 0000403892 00000 n 0000403996 00000 n 0000404196 00000 n 0000404480 00000 n 0000405220 00000 n 0000405299 00000 n 0000405451 00000 n 0000405546 00000 n 0000405733 00000 n 0000410938 00000 n 0000411042 00000 n 0000411262 00000 n 0000001161 00000 n 0000001967 00000 n trailer << /Size 240 /Info 203 0 R /Root 206 0 R /Prev 528828 /ID[<6fd1255c9dd8f91dc11bf5f1ff452efe>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 206 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 190 0 R /Metadata 204 0 R /JT 202 0 R /PageLabels 188 0 R >> endobj 238 0 obj << /S 802 /L 955 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 239 0 R >> stream The records may be kept with the PI as well as with EH&S. Laundry shall be cleaned in accordance with established written laboratory/department procedures. These universal precautions are categorized as follows (see Appendix B): These controls must be employed in order to minimize exposures to workers while performing their job duties. 0000069839 00000 n Expert Answer. This list includes the name of the chemical, the manufacturer, the work area in which the chemical is used, dates of use, and quantity used. You must regularly educate your workers on the uses of the Exposure Control Plan and where its kept, so it is available when needed. b. 0000049885 00000 n You can get a BBP certificate online in as little as two hours. Equipment shall be examined on a regular schedule determined by the manufacturers recommendations or University policies. The high exposure potential group includes all employees that work with, or have potential exposure to blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)* while performing their assigned job duties. (Changes may include an evaluation of safer devices, adding employees to the exposure determination list, etc. HEPATITIS B VACCINE DECLINATION (MANDATORY). Bloodborne pathogens can be transmitted: Transmission occurs by all means stated. They must contain a summary of the training session. Be predominantly fluorescent orange or orange-red, with lettering and symbols of contrasting color. NOTE: Part-time, temporary, contract and per diem employees are covered by the bloodborne pathogens standard. Training many people even beyond OSHAs requirements can ensure that this plan gets carried out. The reader should consult the OSHA bloodborne pathogens and hazard communication standards in their entirety for specific compliance requirements.

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which choice is false about your exposure control plan