Third, The context execution of the IIFE is created and ends up destroying it automatically: it frees up memory space, and releases it quickly. Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. If you actually reference a javascript file, then it will be automatically cached (see Parameters section). This module is quite simple and basic, only for first setps in Drupal: when enabled, only creates a new path /basic/custom with a Controller that gives you a response creating a render array in Drupal, with a very simple markup message for HTML. 10 December 2022 Since Drupal 8, the available JavaScript files, which were referenced in .info files in Drupal 7, are now referenced in .yml files. To do this we must declare the core/drupalSettings as a dependency of our JavaScript library. Here you have a set of rendering tests about Drupal Behaviors so you can see how it works on screen: Another case that we have seen with some frequency when inheriting a legacy project (or a new project but without respecting the proper guidelines), is the case of loads of JavaScript libraries destined only to a specific page throughout the entire website (this happens more than we think). Drupal: adding autocomplete to textfield for custom content type namespace: A Drupal behavior has to have a specific and unique name in order to be located, identified, executed and removed. Perhaps you're modifying it in a hook. Lets see an example in which we intend to use a hide/show effect. 1-Introduction2- JavaScript and Drupal: basic concepts3- How to include JavaScript code in Drupal, 4- Just a little bit more of JavaScript in Drupal, 7- JavaScript without JavaScript: #ajax, #states, 8- Troubleshooting: Problems and Solutions, Exercise 1: Creating a basic custom moduleExercise 2: Defining our new custom libraryExercise 3: Defining our initial JavaScript fileExercise 4: Adding libraries to our Drupal custom moduleExercise 5: Passing values to the IIFE formatExercise 6: Transfering values trough drupalSettingsExercise 7: Custom Visit Counter with JavaScriptExercise 8: Changes based in jQueryExercise 9: Dialog Window from the global object DrupalExercise 10: Image Board from Unsplash using Drupal Behaviors. If we'd like to pass computed values 'foo' and 'baz'from PHP to ourexample's JavaScript, we could do: Then cuddly-slider.js will be able to access drupalSettings.fluffiness.cuddlySlider.fooand drupalSettings.fluffiness.cuddlySlider.baz, which will have values of 'bar'and 'qux' respectively. By convention, we use our lowerCamelCase module name as thekey for the settings, and add the lowerCamelCase name of the library as sub key. See: Drupal org Docs: Libraries options and details. Depending on the nature of your computed values and the component you are attaching drupalSettings to, you may have to alter the cacheablility metadata accordingly. If using drupalSettings plus a JavaScript file is not an option, then you still have one option left: use hook_page_attachments(), where you add a new value to $page['#attached']['html_head'], which contains either a

drupal 8 add javascript to content type