There are many variables that go into making a great tennis match. Generally speaking, professional stringers tend to advise players to string their rackets as low as possible whilst still being able to maintain control of the ball. Solinco Tour Bite Soft Tennis Strings. We appreciate this would require huge expense! String setups for tennis elbow - - Play tennis How does string tension affect tennis elbow? Stringing your racket at a low tension will give you: Before settling on a string tension, its vital to consider what you are looking for in your game and how you want your racket to perform accordingly. This is usually I strung with Hyper G at time of racquet purchase at 52 pounds. Now the thing is I switched to 2021 Babolat Pure Drive about three months ago. It can improve blood flow to the tendons, which will speed healing, too. Free Tennis String. After reading this document, you will be able to make an informed decision as to which string tension to select and might even be able to have a jargon level chat with your local stringer! It comes with a soft GUT strap to reduce stress on the wrist and forearm when striking. Best String Tension For Tennis Elbow If your elbow hurts, replace the thinnest gauge possible if you can afford to do so, and use at least one thinner string than usual. I currently use a full bed of co-poly in mid 40s and I usually cut them out every 2 months. With our custom fittings, you get three personalized string recommendations to help boost your performance on the tennis court! In addition to choosing a string tension that works for the individual player, there are a few other tips for reducing the risk of tennis elbow: String tension is just one factor that can affect the performance of a racquet and the risk of injury. I have done the same tension reduction on Babolat RPM Blast. I don't really want to sit out for months. 1 307 Reviews Wilson NXT Multifilament 17 Gauge Tennis Racket String in Natural Color Wilson NXT Tennis String Set, Natural, 17 Gauge Multifilament is one of the time tested, most widely sold strings that Wilson ever made. The condition is caused by repetitive motions, such as those used in tennis, and can cause pain in the elbow and forearm. This string is made of a single filament (extrusion process). One of the most important, yet often overlooked, factors is the tension of the strings on the racquet. The downvote button is not a disagree button. Also, would you suggest going a hybrid? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Thanks Pete! It all depends on what string bed characteristics youre trying to achieve. Obviously, that worked for Pete, so you would never change what he did. I have some tennis elbow issues, so I err on the side of caution with regard to cutting out my strings. These are the most powerful strings in the world and can really put some mph behind your shot. Start playing the best tennis of your life and win more matches! Wet or "dead" tennis balls can aggravate your elbow. Ive been playing the game ever since I was a kid, and Im absolutely in love with it. Are the mains strung at the higher number? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Choosing Racquets and Strings to Prevent Tennis Elbow So if you normally string at 57 lbs., you would string the Luxilon at 52 lbs. Very helpful. However, a higher string tension can also increase the risk of injury, particularly with regards to tennis elbow. Some manufacturers recommend that you string co-poly a certain percentage below what you would for other types of strings. Any string recommendations? A downside to stringing really high is youre going to lose a lot of the strings elastic qualities. A low string tension would be anywhere from around 40-50lbs. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Tennis Strings Privacy Policy. Hes also very wrist orientated and uses a full western grip, which lends itself to creating a finer ball contact. The tennis elbow is a condition that affects the tendons in the elbow. If youre in a situation where you are using a low powered racket with a high-powered string, find a happy medium. Choosing the right racket is only part of the equation. cobrind Thanks for the comment much appreciated. I was told to string Luxilon co-poly strings at a 10% lower tension that standard synthetic gut (mono or multifilament). Rafael seems to have found the right balance for himself, as he has been one of the most successful professional golfers in history. Pete Sampras used to string his black, legendary Wilson Pro Staff at a whopping 70lbs! The way they are constructed lead to an increased touch and feel. . Tennis is a great sport and Im always trying to find new ways to enjoy it. Federer mostly changes rackets so often in order to prevent this tension loss occurring. Your kind words are appreciated. RPM Blast is black. Stick to the middle of your range of motion -- try not to bend or straighten your arm all the way. Also, I just read some good things about a fairly new string Volkl Cyclone Tour which is supposed to be much softer than most polys. Some people find that a higher string tension helps to relieve their symptoms, while others find that lower string tension is better for them. PHOTO INSIDE. Roger uses tension as a compositional tool to create dynamics within his pieces. Ask your physical therapist for advice. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, which is why its important to understand their strengths and weaknesses. By manipulating the balance between positive and negative space, he creates a sense of tension within the viewer that is both visually and emotionally stimulating. On a very cold day, players will use a lower tension than usual in order to compensate for the drop in ball velocity. The pattern always have a even number as many strings and can have odd numbers in the crosses. How does racquet-string tension affect the elbow? Tips To Tame Tennis Elbow David, great to see a new post. Heres a breakdown of each type and why you might want to choose it: Light tension is recommended for beginners and those who dont frequently play with a lot of power. But it's not the most arm-friendly racquet, especially if you string it with a full bed of polyester string. Jan 30, 2023 Keeping your strings What are the 3 main things needed to play a tennis game? A few other tips: Work tools: If on-the-job equipment is playing a role, you may need to try different tools or techniques. Stringing light, stiff rackets with poly are rough on the arm. No wonder he used to break so many strings during matches! Decreasing the mains from 18 to 16 increase the snap back, resulting in more spin. In this case, it would be far better to re-evaluate your choice of string or even your racket. What is the best tennis string tension? Which string Tension is best for the Tennis Elbow? Which does NOT change tennis elbow, unless you are taking smaller cuts at the ball because the stringbed has more energy. Im a multifilament guy but am trying MSV Focus Hex 17 right now and am liking it especially from the baseline just like you mentioned. In the sport of tennis, one of the most important aspects of the game is using the correct amount of tension on your racket strings. An interesting study published in the Shoulder Elbow, entitled Racquet string tension directly affects force experienced at the elbow: implications for the development of lateral epicondylitis in tennis players, gave interesting results. 52/54 would mean that the mains were strug at 52 lbs and the crosses at 54 lbs. Thing is I feel the strings starting to really die by 1 month and dead by 1.5 months, a board by 2. To be honest, I could probably even go a pound or two lower and still love how it plays. This low tension would never work for natural gut, as the racket would launch the ball out the park, but Mr Sock uses a hard, polyester string Luxilon Alu Power which helps to balance out the power level. Hey Larry! Use power tools instead of hand tools if possible. more people need to see this. Materials like natural fibers, polyamid, nylon, polyester, together with specific coating additives to change the touch and feel, are common in todays manufacturing processes. As for healing I am waiting for FlexBar to come ingets good reviews and will see physio later in week. How is r/10s different? Check out the following video for 5 ways to make this determination. Poor levels of comfort almost always go hand in hand with injuries, so unless you have wrists of steel and are appropriately physically conditioned, carefully consider whether stringing high with a polyester string is the way to go for you. How it helps arthritis, migraines, and dental pain. I have used tensions down to 42 lbs and my arm has felt great and I have gotten good performance out of them. For durability and spin, this is the string to use. The condition can also be caused by other activities, such as using tools or carrying heavy loads. In his piece Tension, Roger uses a variety of techniques to create a sense of tension, including abrupt changes in tempo, leaps in a register, and syncopated rhythms. When it comes to string tension and tennis elbow, the best option is to find a string tension that works for the individual player. Bestcovery Team. Tennis elbow is an injury you can have even if you never pick up a racquet. A larger grip size will provide more power and control, while a smaller grip size will provide more control and spin. When stringing a hybrid set-up, am I correct in assuming that the polys are used for the mains and multis/gut for the cross? Thats because everyday activities dont keep your muscles as strong and flexible as they should be to avoid sports injuries. Stringing your tennis racket at a low tension will also impart more spin to the ball, which is great news if you love to hit a heavy ball! Tennis elbow - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic 05.12.2022. The beauty of hybrids is that you can basically do whatever you want in order to create a unique playing string bed that meets your needs. But Are co-poly tennis strings for you? It would spin and loop instead of being a good flat shot. Here is the chart one last time, but with recommended tension ranges narrowed down by ability: Three new polyester strings that are easier on the arm: 1. Since the pros are dealing with such fine margins during their rallies, its critical to maintain perfect precision (well as close as they can get) throughout a match. Choosing your tennis racket tension can be a slightly daunting process to begin with. Generally, a string tension of between 45 and 55 pounds is recommended for those looking to reduce their risk of tennis elbow. Tecnifibre Razor Soft Medvedevs new string, The History of Natural Gut Tennis Strings, Use a full bed of natural gut or multifilament. My name is Michael and Im a big fan of the sport of tennis. DH. This will still give you access to power but will also supply a lot of control. The string pattern refers to the number of main strings (parallel to the long axis of the racquet) and the number of cross strings (perpendicular to the long axis of the racquet) that compose the string-bed. Still, dont try these at home unless youre feeling brave! You may need to try different tensions on different days, depending on how your elbow feels that day. This ensures that you hit the ball with the correct amount of power and spin. Tennis All of the strings listed above are 17 gauge, with many of them made in an ultra-thin 18 gauge to provide the most comfort. String tension is the amount of force applied to the strings of a tennis racquet. Best Tennis Racquet For Tennis Elbow Be mindful which racquet you choose and make sure to change your strings frequently. In addition to string tension, other factors such as the size and weight of the racquet, the type of strings used and the grip size can affect the performance of a racquet and the risk of injury. Alu Spin is gray. If you buy anything through one of my links, a tiny commission goes to Tennisnerd which helps the site stay alive. Best Tennis Strings Mayo Clinic: Tennis elbow, Tennis elbow: Self-management., American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Tennis elbow., University of Rochester School of Medicine: Tennis elbow., Cleveland Clinic: Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medicines (NSAIDs)., UpToDate: Patient education: Elbow tendinopathy (tennis and golf elbow) (Beyond the Basics)., Virginia Sportsmedicine Institute: Elbow pain., Health Navigator (New Zealand): Tennis Elbow., Hospital for Special Surgery: Tennis Elbow: An Overview., Kaiser Permanente: Elbow Pain: Tennis Elbow.. This condition can be caused by repetitive use of the arm, such as in playing tennis. By creating contrasts in the register, time, and texture, Roger is able to control the flow of the music and create tension and resolution. This condition can be caused by repetitive use of the arm, such as in playing tennis. Both are from top tennis string brands perhaps two of the biggest and best string brands out there. Anyway Yes It is fairly common to see players stringing co-poly strings in the low 50s and occasionally even in the high 40s. This juxtaposition of conflicting forces creates a visual drama that can be quite compelling. The Best Tennis String Tension Guide Im constantly trying to improve my game by playing tournaments, working with my coach, and watching some of the top professionals play. The strings will transfer the same force from the ball into your arm regardless if they're natural gut or kevlar. I see people say poly needs to be changed every 10 hours. What string tension is best for tennis elbow? - Rest assured, we have tried virtually all the strings out there natural gut, multifilaments and polyesters at both low and high tensions! We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. and our Players with injury problems in the wrists and arms should avoid high tensions and instead look to string their rackets lower. Unless you want an injury coming your way though, we wouldnt advise you to go over 60lbs. I havent ever heard the other two suggestions, but I can clearly understand how playing with fresh, high-quality tennis balls could help. Do you have any experiences around tennis elbow? Therefore, if you hear someone say that the string tension is 60 pounds or 25 kilograms, that is the amount of tension applied when the string is in a pulled state. Work with a tennis pro to improve your swing so you don't overwork the elbow again. DH. Racket-string tension is considered to be an important factor influencing the development of LE. 8 Best tennis strings for tennis elbow: most arm-friendly The right string tension for a player can vary enormously from person to person. The other thing to consider is that polyester strings had not been invented during that era, so players were trying to find other ways to tame the power of the natural gut. Clearly, he has found a way to marry his through the court power, spin and low tension to tremendous effect. Technique could be an issue but like I say play quite alot and never had any injury issues ever so strange it would pop up now. I play with a full bed of Alu Power Rough at 57. What is the difference between multifilament and poly strings? What String Tension Should I Use in My Tennis Racket? The string weight is 11.4 ounces. WebTennis elbow sufferers should restring as often as they can afford, and at a minimum, every 60-90 days until the problem subsides (every month is preferable). Is Hyper G a poly or multi? The condition can also be caused by other activities, such as using tools or carrying heavy loads. It provides more pop and makes the ball jump off the strings. As much as you can, rest your elbow. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. How to Choose Your Tennis Strings HEAD The main string is different from the cross string. Needless to say, I looked to string the racket in a different way pretty quickly! Tensions have dropped over the years with the introduction of poly strings and the average string tension is likely to keep dropping a bit more. Talk to your doctor about taking these, especially if you need them for weeks. Nadal is known for his extreme stamina and powerful strokes, which allow him to dominate his opponents on the court. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. But even then, everybody has different preferences. Studies have confirmed that racquets laced with higher tension create a further effect of tennis elbow in the player, which is why you want to tread cautiously with a tense, high-tensioned racquet. This racquet is known for elbow trouble but this new version supposedly is less stiff. Tennis elbow Painful condition is caused by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Inordertobeabettertennisplayer,youneedtounderstandtheartoftennis stringsandhowtheyworkincoordinationwithyourbodyandyourstyleofplay. Tennis Only. Always factor in your racket when deciding a string tension. Todays co-polyester monofilament strings also deliver increased power and comfort depending on the additives used. WebHere are the tension ranges wed aim for the first time you get your racket strung: Nylon/Gut: 50-60lbs (22.5-27kg) Hybrid: 46-56lbs (21-25.5kg) *Because polyester is a stiffer There are also open and dense 16x19 ones available e.g. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. String tension is the pressure at which the strings are secured to the rackets frame and is performed in either lbs or kg. Tennis can be a pretty injury prone sport and this time all the testing of different strings, racquets and grips have made my arm sore. You can go really low and still get control with poly strings, but you need to hit with top spin. [Explained], How do Football players get Paid? Sports gear: If tennis really is at the root of your tennis elbow, a stiffer racquet with looser strings may help once youre up for some light playing again. Generally, tennis tension ranges from 40 to 65 pounds / 18 27 kg depending upon your strength and preference . The If were talking about a polyester string, thats the really strong, probably tall powerhouse, aggressive baseline player like Del Potro who only wants ultimate control from his racket and string. Since their strokes are not yet fully developed enough to access true power, then this choice of tension would provide a welcome boost in mph! Finding the sweet spot is key! DH. But as you rest, remember this mantra: Absolute rest is rust. Your tendons need some tension and motion. It is my personal opinion that you should string co-poly at least a few pounds lower than what you would string a mono or multi synthetic gut or even natural gut. If your injury actually came from tennis or another racquet sport, try a different kind of sport thats not as tough on your elbow until you get better. Extreme spin playability with outstanding tension maintenance. At, we believe that going over 60lbs tension with a polyester string can actual damage its properties and consequently decrease a players performance. The Wilson Pro Staff Six One 95 is one of my favorite racquet lines of all time and in the video below, I use one of beloved 6.1 95 nCode edition racquets with a hybrid of Luxilon Natural Gut and Luxilon Alu Power. Generally, a string tension of Feb 9, 2023 In todays game a hybrid is also made from a shaped or textured monofilament string in the mains and a round monofilament string in the crosses. Confirmed my thoughts that poly/co poly strings are not for me. To answer this question, it is important to understand what exactly happens when you hit a tennis ball. A more open pattern means that less strings impact the ball and that strings depending on their material composition can snap back more easily due to the larger space between them. Before analyzing each of these elements you need to know that tennis strings are broken down into the following key characteristics: power, control, spin, durability, touch and feel. We save you time and money by doing the painful research process for you! For example, I have never heard that tension on the mains should be higher. So if you normally string at 57 lbs., you would string the Luxilon at 52 lbs. This will deliver greater levels of comfort and also increase the size of the sweet spot, thus enhancing feel an added bonus! Rafael Nadal is one of the greatest tennis players in the world. Key benefits. Dont have any experience with Volkl Cyclone Tour, but the trend these days is to create softer polys. Once your elbow is pain-free and your backhand is better than ever, you should keep your muscles strong and flexible. Tony Thanks for the comment. Average peak acceleration was determined to correlate string-tension with elbow loading. In other words, there arent any rules. I was thinking NRG2 as ranks high on comfort. In the video, I use a hybrid of. Cookie Notice Is a tennis elbow really recommended for 45 Too little tension will result in a weak shot, while too much tension can cause your racket to vibrate excessively and lead to poor control. Conclusions. On the other hand, we have natural gut strings. Del Potro wants his balls to land in the court; not burning a hole through the back fence without bouncing! A tennis backhand stroke is just one of many repetitive movements that can strain your muscles and tendons. Some people may also need physical therapy or surgery. Results. At 110mph+, the Wilson Revolve Spin string performs like a polyester hybrid, yet retains comfort and control of a multi. This point really made me smile as Ive done some silly things in the past when it comes to this aspect! A larger head size can also provide more power, while a smaller head size can provide more control and spin. Some strings hold tension better than others, but all strings lose tension eventually. (Explained), Are Tennis shoes good for Sliding? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Want to know exactly what Alexander Zverevs racket and string setup is? This article we have written comes from many years of experience experimenting with various tensions and gauges (thickness) across many different types of strings. I haven't suffered from problems of tennis elbow until I increased my testing of new gear. Again, this is common because when youre using two different types of strings in a hybrid, the playing characteristics will be so different that youll want to vary the tension. Results. Thanks in advance for your excellent input. I stopped using full beds of polys because of the lack of penetration on some shots. All rights reserved. I read that some players are reducing string tension down even lower nowadays is that true ? On a sunny day, the air inside the ball will become warm and the balls velocity will be much greater than on a cooler day. There is a stark contrast between the different types of string out there, and each will need to be strung at a different tension to another. Co-poly is the more correct term, but poly is the more common term. I thought we could end this article with some fun facts! Not only was the gut a poor choice of string for the racket and my game, the racket itself is an absolute rocket launcher. Strings are more complex than players would expect. And sometimes volleys actually have too much spin on them. Reddiquette is in play. Which makes the racquets more flexible and easier to use? multifilament strings including natural gut are the most powerful strings with the best in class comfort. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. Twenty recreational tennis players simulated backhand tennis strokes using three rackets strung at tensions of 200 N, 222 N and 245 N. Accelerometers recorded accelerations at the elbow, wrist and racket handle. If you want more power and touch/feel, then yes Consider using a hybrid with a softer multi or gut. Discover your perfect racket and string combo! The string tension of a racquet affects the way it performs and the risk of injury. More vibration, which can cause discomfort. Second, I often see stringing referred to as 52/54. WebFind Your Perfect Racket. The 200 N racket induced the least acceleration at the elbow. Yes Reducing tension can definitely help with tennis elbow. If you have a powerful racket, string higher in order to dilute some of the rackets power and maintain control of the ball If you have a low powered racket, try stringing a little looser. I usually cut them out after about eight hours of singles play. The Wilson 17 Gauge Nothing serious yet, but it has made me focus on string setups for tennis elbow. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed when average peak acceleration at the elbow at 200 N string-tension (acceleration of 5.58 Most stringers will automatically assume you mean lbs, however. Tension will be lost over time. You'll be shocked by how different it feels. Source: Shoulder Elbow - Racquet string tension directly affects force experienced at the elbow: implications for the development of lateral epicondylitis in tennis players ALSO READ: De Minaur: Rafael Nadal is like the king in Spain, Mutua Madrid Open: Iga Swiatek's brisk triumph sees her enter pre-quarters, Naomi Osaka vs FTX: This is how the $11 billion fight is going, Coco Gauff trolls Elon Musk, but comes criticisms: "I don't even pay for NETFLIX", Iga Swiatek: "Modern tennis is like Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal do", Ekaterina Alexandrova makes deeply honest admission ahead of Iga Swiatek match, Davidovich Fokina trolls Holger Rune: "Thanks, crowd was on my side! I was told to string Luxilon co-poly strings at a 10% lower tension that standard synthetic gut (mono or multifilament). If youre having to string your racket this tight, unless its natural gut, then you are losing a lot of the properties of that particular string. Generally, the higher the string tension, the more control and power a player can have and the lower the risk of injury. This condition comes from repetition and overuse. Equipment Advice If you find that your strings are breaking too frequently, you may want to increase the tension slightly. Best Outsmart your opponent with superior tactics! These materials have improved the playability of any kind of string made in the past decades. However, whats to stop you having an extra one or two rackets in your bag strung higher and lower?