From numerous additions to the furniture and the rewards store, through alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, to organized crime and gangs ( if you have The Sims 4: Get to Work extension ). have you downloaded the venue list . The Income is based on the Number of Beds! This is a tutorial of the Basemental Mod in The Sims 4.In the video I will show you how to:- cultivate (0:30)- sell (3:07)- use (7:59)Here you find the link . it's Basemental Drugs and a file called. Fixed an Issue with Sack Lunch In Inventory (Parenthood) which caused a Sim Reset & Error if the Interaction Pack Into Sack Lunch was in the Queue more than once. However, some options are available if you want to explore some of Basementals safer mods. How To Get More And New Buyable Venues In Sims 4? To read more Sims 4 content, check out Where to Get Bits and Pieces and How to Write Songs. Sims 4 | Ksuihuh's Corner Made Yoga Instructor Mat buyable so no Cheat needed anymore! Unfortunaly those Apartments are no venue types which is necessary to make them buyable. It could have taken hours! If you dont sell The Universal Venue List mod adds information about each region in the game, including lot types and certain custom areas. And as such an owner, youre going to collect income from every guest that stays in your hotel. After youve downloaded it from the link we provided above, youll need to extract the contents of the package. the other Guests etc. Prisoners. Better Mattress for (if you have the You can hire one of our Services (Maid, Once you level up some of your dealing skills the darkweb option will appear. Money Loot for Owners will be via Computer Collect Salary, when Enables other mod authors custom venues to appear in all regions. Support the development of Basemental Mods and get early access to in-development versions of the mods! Using a modded Venue List such as this one is necessary in order to enable custom lot types created by mod authors. The mod still works otherwise. My Venue List includes Zerbu's Venue List (Zerbu - Venues.package), the Get to College Venue List, Basemental Drugs Venue List, Coolspear`s Multipark Venue ID, ChippedSim's Graveyard Venue and Ksuihuh's Venue List ! You need to Check out/Dismiss/Cancel all Basemental's venue list already includes Zerbu's. it's normally up-to-date, but as per their instructions they can always be contacted if anything is missing, as they try to maintain it as a 'master' venue list, with all major ones anyway. choosable in the SimPicker Menu so the new Interactions work for both Download file Basemental - Venue List.package - ModsFire So without further ado, lets see how you can get more buyable venues in Sims 4! my Send to Bed Mod with this too. Ask to Upgrade I think Universal Venue List will cover for the files from the LittleMsSam mod but I don't know which ones. 75$ per Bed. Random Bug Fixes not needed anymore and moved to obsolete Zip Folder: They changed something in stereo files which might fixes the Festival Stereo Bug, so i recommend to remove the Fix as well and test without it. Bed 11-20 will give 125$ per Bed. I can't figure out how to make a lot the gang HQ, any one know how? If you plan on going all out and want to download the Gang mod, youll need the official Sims 4 Get To Work expansion pack alongside the Drugs mod. You need my Unlock Doors Mod Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Assign Beds This lets you Assign Beds to Guests etc. Via every ingame Computer or via the Tablet (Tablet has no Animation). Due to the way the game is coded, it's unfortunately not possible to add to these lists with a script file. 3. From basementals website: Using a modded Venue List such as this one is necessary in order to enable custom lot types created by mod authors. If you use my Entrance Fee on Community Lots Mod youll get the Amount you set the Lot to with the Mod. These are great if your Sims follow some of these careers! Venue Lists : r/thesims - Reddit 5325-12500$, As a Guest or Tenant you have to Pay a Daily Rate of 150$ per Sim (75$ per Child, Toddler are Free). Woodworking Table Rework + No Autonomous. Lot for the Services to work! Is Universal Venue List helpful? : r/sims4customcontent - Reddit Ksuihuh_Venue List.package (if you have that mod), Go into your mods folder and delete the "basemental venue list" file and the, Ksuihuh_Venue List.package file if you have it. I Have a Custom Venue That is not Included In This List! What are Sims 4 Basemental Mods? - Answered - Prima Games Anyway, That's why I need help. Contact Me. So I downloaded basemental drugs, everything has been working fine, but I wanted to make my sims go to a rave and the phone says set a non residential lot to rave location but when I try to do that, theres no options for a rave??? sell the Lot! The haunted house should work fine when those are gone, basemental works fine without the venue list file. For example, while the Basemental Alcohol mod only requires the base game, the Drugs mod also needs the Universal Venue List. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Due to the way the game is coded, its unfortunately not possible to add to these lists with a script file. You can in theory have several but your game will only read one of them, so if it reads an outdated Venue List first your game might not show all venues correctly, be it custom venues made by various Mod Authors or new venues provided from new game packs. of Sims watching News or Stuff. I can work the basics of S4S so I opened them both to see if it would tell me anything but unfortunately, not there with my knowledge yet. But there are also completely more new venues that you probably havent played with before in Sims 4. . Feel free to share ideas and content. For example, the Special Venues (which can be found in the build menu) are unique locations that you can own and manage yourself. Removed the file for the venues and it worked! Basemental Mods. The Sims after dark - naughty mods There is a disclaimer from the creators of this mod: Simplified Chinese by Licer Ksuihuh_Venue List.package (if you have that mod) Go into your mods folder and delete the "basemental venue list" file and the. But how does it work? External Venue Types (not included in this Mod! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It does not mess anything up, it's even compatible with most other mods because the author keeps good track of new mods. Cookie Notice Basemental Mods | The Sims Wiki | Fandom I'm Ksuihuh. That's what caused it in mine just delete the "basemental venue list" file. Its a creation by the popular LittleMsSam, a mod creator that we often feature here on SnootySims. But also, what should I -NOT- copy to the mods folder from the LittleMsSam mod? (I recommend using the Watch Movie and Be Quiet please Mod with If anyone is interested: Basemental updated the venue list file. The Sims 4 is available to play on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 through the official website. Here is a full list of the default venues you can buy with this mod! Second, youll need to copy the extracted files and paste them into your Mods folder. Guests/Prisoners/Tenants including yourself (When you are a Guest etc.)! But its much better to explore it yourself and have your Sims actually enjoy these venues! 16 Mods got Updates, Fixes or small new Mods. It can be found on the website in the Basemental Drugs section (it is now a separate download). The rentable business is actually a very in-depth feature of this mod. Ownable Bar, Ownable Cafe, Ownable Club, Ownable Karaokebar, Ownable Lounge, Ownable Relaxation Center, Cinema & Gaming Center. How to customize Generic Lots: citytheory 2 yr. ago. Found it to be my venue list from basemental if that helps, at all. The mod were using for that is awesome, and we heavily recommend it! Venues are a very interesting feature in The Sims 4. Version: 6.20.57 (PUBLIC) Released: 02 Sep 2022. The second mod, Eco Hacks, allows you to modify the eco conditions and footprint settings of areas in the game. From mods suitable to all ages to those that delve into more mature themes such as drugs and gangs. Reworked Mod (after learning some new coding tricks ;)). The official name of the mod were discussing here is More Buyable Venues and New Venue Types. For Users that do not own all Packs i added seperated Files as an Alternative. And lastly, youll need to enable script mods and CC inside your game settings. 3. New Interactions to watch Movies (Cinema Show) added to 4 big TVs: Plasmatron 3000 (BG), Anti Flatscreen TV HDCurV (CL EP) and the two MovieScreens (MH SP). Go for a Walk No Guests will spawn if the Business is closed. Includes Discord benefits The functions of the retail store dont work on other lots than the real retail store. PC Options to add/remove Traits is not restricted to Restaurant Lots anymore. I.e. Buff which gives them characteristics of Maids, Handyman, Gardener & you to unlock the door! Check out the best social activities mod for The Sims 4! Basemental still works fine without those files. I just don't want to screw up my game for something I don't need. (including Cupcakes and Experimental Food) I want to try More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types mod from LittleMsSam but in the first paragraph it says about compatibility with other mods that adds custom venues. Deinstallation: Before deinstalling the Mod change all Custom Venues I want to try More Buyable Venues and new Venue Types mod from LittleMsSam but in the first paragraph it says about compatibility with other mods that adds custom venues.. Rented Lots are not considered as owned anymore so the Upgrade should be free there as well. Archived post. Those Sims will get a special Trait as long as they are Guests etc. Just a reminder that all of my active careers use Basemental's Venue list. Hi - Do you use the Universal Venue List mod made by the same modders who make Basemental Drugs? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. and our The mod features custom drugs, custom animations, altered walkstyles, altered moods, altered needs, come-ups, peaks, comedowns, hangovers, addiction, rehabilitation, and loads more. The top of page. Rental Agreement You need to Check out Guests etc. Interaction to bring them back. Universal Venue List and LittleMsSam's Venues : r/Sims4 - Reddit but doing some research, I read Zerbu's changelog at, and it reads: Quote SNOOTYSIMS covers mod and custom content guides, howto's and everything else you need for your sims. Dont install these if you have the Legacy Edition installed! Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Venue List purpose? is it really needed? - The Sims 4 - LoversLab Kiara's Mods on Twitter After changing a Lot to the Rentable Venue Type you need to specify the Venue by using one of the following Lot Traits: These will make the Lot workable and have the following characteristics: The new Venue and the LotTraits will activate new Interactions: On Doors (Unlock Door Mod highly recommended). The moment I removed that, the haunted lots started working no problem for me. Basemental Drugs - Basemental Mods The mod requires Basemental Drugs and the Get To Work expansion pack. This is a heads up in case you already didn't get it dirt-cheap during a sale by now. Support Me. Basemental Gangs. vanish. i checked by disabling all mods and loading the game and suddenly it started workinglooks like tonight is going to be a looong night of sifting through every single modincluding all the uhh naughty ones fmlif i find out what specific mod is causing the issue for me i'll be sure to post it here, even if it's a bit embarrassing haha. Renamed the Mod into LittleMsSam_RSM_SackLunchInFridge so delete old File before installing! No, you cannot have more than one Venue List in your Mods folder at any given time. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You'll also need the Universal Venue List mod, which is a simple file that pairs with the mod to maintain venue stability. For example, you can become a hotel owner. I also disabled autonomous watching TV and our Mine works fine now, Do you have Basemental? >>><<< LITTLEMSSAMS BUSINESS SERVICES >>><<<. In fact, if you find that you are missing a custom venue by any Mod Author when using this (and only this) Venue List, let me know about it on my Discord server, and Ill add it right away. Seriously thank you so much. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I'm still relatively new to modding and haven't exactly figured out a good way to keep them tidy in my folders. Sims take Popcorn, Barista/Espressobar and with the Entrance Fee basemental drugs help?? : r/Sims4 - Reddit By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If the Lot is owned by the Active Household the Business will be closed on default after the first travel to the Lot and can be opened via the Interaction. Sorry! Scientist Lab with NPC Scientists spawning, PoliceStation with NPC Civilians, Cops, LabTech, Assistants and Chief spawning, Medical Clinic with NPC Nurses, Assistant and Patients spawning, As the Owner you can Collect your Income (Update of Polish by Anulay). Basemental Gangs features rivalries between gangs, micromanaging your own gang members, use gang members as drug runners, run your operations through your own gang headquarters . Fortunately, the More Buyable Venues and New Venue Types mod for The Sims 4 is a very easy one to install. Adds gangs for The Sims 4. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! >>><<< MORE WAYS TO EARN MONEY (not on residential lots) >>><<<. How to become retired Scientist to use all objects on a lab venue: Installation: Put the Main Mod and the Venue List into your Mod Folder. As always delete old Files before Updating and delete the localthumbcache! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 4. Mod Requirements Base Game DOWNLOAD Installation Instructions Follow Instructions Closely Click the DOWNLOAD button above to download the Venue List If you are updating, delete the old file from your Mods folder first Place the .package file in your Mods folder Recommended folder location for the Venue List: to stop Sims from changing the Channel in the middle of a Movie. They The animations have bongs, papers, blunts, and other realistic. This mod is based on the retail store xmls from Get to Work as deep as possible without scripting. You get to pick the type of business youre going to run. Hello everyone, so quick question. Does this mod help with that? The most prominent feature of the mod is its range of drugs for sims to experiment with. I was having the same issue. A Venue List is a file that contains information for every region (or world) in the game, such as what kind of lot types should be available to place there. Start Now. how many and who should spawn on the Lot! Is it like custom clubs and such and how do I place them in the world? So I downloaded basemental drugs, everything has been working fine, but I wanted to make my sims go to a rave and the phone says "set a non residential lot to rave location" but when I try to do that, there's no options for a rave??? I want to know if it's okay to use them together since I bet . Universal Venue List - Basemental Mods No/Less Autonomous Picker (Dollhouse, TV, Dance) if you are the Owner or a Guest etc. Type "careers.remove_career Scientist" in Command Console. Visitors are allowed by default, so you can create something unique here! So far i could not get the Close/Open Function working on other Of course it is still harder to SimDa Date them but after you got to successfully introduce yourself it is possible to archive the Gold Goal (Tested with a Global Superstar as a Date). Easy with a mod! The Mods folder is located in your Sims 4 installation folder.