The following rules apply to all Department owned, managed, or controlled areas: through the close of controlled buck deer ALW season and 3 days prior to opening of controlled Rocky Mtn bull elk first season through close of Rocky Mtn bull elk second season. To apply for a permit, hunters must purchase a special permit application and a 2008 hunting license that includes bear as a species option. The increased law enforcement provides an incentive to private timberland owners to continue to allow hunting access.Contact:General TMA Information: ODFW Springfield 541-726-3515. Contact ODFW -La Grande to book (541-926-1838). East Steens Rd (Co. 201), 28 miles north of Fields, OR, deer, sheep, pronghorn, predators, chukar, quail, Vehicle access restricted to roads posted and mapped as open, Primary: pheasant, duck, geese, mule deer (archery only); quail. 2950, Project information:An A&H grant is used to partially fund a Sheriff deputy to patrol the multi-owner private, industrial timberlands in Linn County. No unattended campers, tent sites, or camp sites for more than 24 hours. Share sensitive information only The public comment period is open thru May 1, 2023. Contact 503-947-6042 or click here. 54 sq mi in Townships 10, 11, & 12S, Ranges 31, 32, & 33E. See their website for more detail, and find other forest service webpages at The increased law enforcement provides an incentive to private timberland owners to continue to allow hunting access.Contact:Brian Carroll Linn County Forest Protection Association 541-924-6916 ext. Applies to all gated, posted, or barrier-closed roads within the Rogue, Keno, Klamath Falls, Sprague, Interstate, Silver Lake, and Fort Rock Units within the land holdings of Green Diamond Resource Company. Starkey WMU Map. No camping, no fires, be careful with cigarettes. The majority of our Pierce County lands are a part of our expanded Eatonville recreation area, previously managed by Manulife Investment Management (Hancock Forest Management). Hunt #7015 (Kapowsin): 100 permits will be issued for a season running April 15 through June 15 in the portion of GMUs 653 and/or 654 that is designated as the hunt area by Hancock Forest Management. The Mid Coast Access Area will allow motorized access during IFPL 1 and 2, walk-in access during IFPL 3, and closed to all access during IFPL 4. (800) 720-6339. Timberland Investment Manager | Manulife Investment Management 175 sq mi in west one-third of Sled Springs WMU. However, the permit is not all-inclusive, meaning if a citizen purchased a White River Forest permit but wanted to use the Snoqualmie Forest, they would need to purchase an additional permit. Contact: ODFW Newport (541) 867-4741 or Corvallis (541) 757-4186 Adventure & Interagency Passes sold on weekdays. 17 sq mi in Townships 7 & 8S, Ranges 44 and 45E. 2022-2023 North Cascades recreation permits will go on sale June 24 at 7:00 PM PST. Hunting & Recreation - Resource Management Service Leave gates as you found them. 3 days prior to the opening of buck deer ALW season through the close of all bull elk ALW seasons. Cascade Timber, Sweet Home: 541-367-2111 Cant find what you need? Spring black bear special hunt applications due Feb. 28 Hancock, Vernonia Office: 503-429-4410 The law established a funding mechanism to provide grants to private landowners, timber and agriculture corporations, sportsmen groups, natural resource agencies, and others for projects designed to increase public hunting access to private lands and/or improve wildlife habitat. A partnership between the Inland Northwest Wildlife Council, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Colville National Forest and Hancock Forest Management is designed to ensure that . stream "I'm still on the fence post -- I'm just not sure which way to go.". Operational from the opening of the buck deer ALW season until the close of the General Any Legal Weapon Elk season. As otherwise specified in 635-008-0112, 0147, 0190, 0211. Portions of the TMA may be closed due to fire danger or for management reasons. For more in an alternative format, language, or who need reasonable accommodations No littering, pick up any trash. WDFWand the United States Forest Servicehave worked cooperatively to develop the Pumice Plain, Mount Whittier, and Upper Smith Creek elk areas and corresponding special permit hunts. Through cooperative agreement, motor vehicle use, including electric assisted bicycles, is limited to specific roads for dates and areas listed below. The Mid Coast Access Area is made up of three A&H projects, the Weyerhaeuser Access, Weyerhaeuser Westside Access, and the Handcock Westside Access. There is a 14 day stay limit for camping. No person shall shoot from or across a public Rd or railroad right-of-way, except that persons legally hunting on closed Rds within Cooperative Travel Management Areas (TMAs) are not violating current prohibitions on shooting from or across a public Rd. Most of Hamptons forestland in Oregon and Washington is open to the public, though fee access permits are currently required for some of our forestlands in Washington. To see or buy permits and additional information, go to the Hancock website or call 800-782-1493. The Angeles National Forest has applied for the State of Californias Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Divisions Grant Cycle 2023. Hancock initiated a 2-point minimum buck harvest restriction in 2018 on the Kapowsin and Eatonville timberlands that remains in effect. Angeles National Forest. NEWPORT, Ore.. Foot traffic only; no ATVs. In a legal sense, a license is usually considered a privilege conveying permission to enter land or perform some act on the land of another. 210 sq mi in Townships 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24S, Ranges 14, 15, & 16E. No camping, no fires. See map for further regulations. Access hunting and fishing licenses From the junction of Hwy 395 and Hwy 244, travel 14 miles south. Archived documents do not reflect current WDFW regulations or policy and may contain factual inaccuracies. Reservations will be booked on a first come, first served basis. North West Portion Map (pdf) The land includesrangeland, steep rimrock, and brushy, riparian zones.Contact:ODFW Hines, 541-573-6582, Map(pdf)Project information:A&H funds pay for maps, signs and survey permits.Contact:ODFW Ontario, 541-889-6975, Map(pdf)Project information:A&H funds are used to pay landowners on a per acre basis for public hunting access.Contact:ODFW Hines, 541-573-6582, Map(pdf)Project information: A&H funds are used to pay the landowner for access to 16,734 acres of his property. Hampton, Astoria: 503-458-6111; Wilson Unit: 503-365-8400 The Angeles National Forest was established by Executive Order in December 1892. Contact ODFW's Public Service Representative at: Ownership. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) grant provides access to 250,000 acres of Northeast Oregon timberlands. Camping allowed only within 200 feet of open roads. Camping permitted up to 7 days; no fires, be careful with cigarettes; no littering - pick up any trash; report unlawful activities; do not damage roads during wet conditions; leave gates as you find them. The landsmade available through this project includerangeland, steep rimrock, and brushy, riparian areas.Contact:ODFW Hines, 541-573-6582, Map(pdf)Project information:A&H funds are used to pay the landowner for access to this rangeland.Contact:ODFW Ontario, 541-889-6975, Mapavailable from Salem Headquarters, and information:A&H funds are used to pay landowners on a per-acre basis for public hunting access.Contact:ODFW Northeast Region Office (541) 962-1838, Map Page 1 | Page 2 (pdf)Project information:A&H funds are used to pay landowners on a per-acre basis for public hunting access.Contact:ODFW Heppner (541) 676-5230, Primary: Mule deer, pheasant, quail, Hungarian partridge, grouse, doveSecondary: elk, pronghorn, bear, turkey, predators, February 1-January 31, through January 31 2026, Map(pdf)Project information:A&H funds are used to pay the landowner on a per acre basis for public hunting access.Contact:ODFW Baker City, 541-523-5832, Map(pdf)Project information:Provides access to 4,215 acres of previously inaccessible BLM land. Hampton Affiliates, Salem: 503-365-8400 Fill out an application form (available on the RMS web site) for the state(s) in which you have an interest, and clearly state on the form you are interested in membership in an existing club. North RegionMap(pdf); South RegionMap(pdf)Project information: These industrial timberlands are a conglomerate of forest land that has multiple owners. SE M-F 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Most people dont realize that the history of 99% of human life in southern California was made during a time when there were no written records. (Closed between 1:00 - 1:30 p.m.). Most of Hampton's forestland in Oregon and Washington is open to the public, though fee access permits are currently required for some of our forestlands in Washington. US Forest Service, Stimson, Forest Grove Office: 503-359-0116 With water? 28, 15, 33, 34, & 22. With electricity? The programs motto, Landowners & Hunters Together for Wildlife, conveys the programs basic mission - to foster partnerships between landowners and hunters for the benefit of the wildlife they value. <> A&H funds are used to pay landowners on a per-acre basis for public hunting access. Operational from the opening of the Buck deer ALW season until the close of the General ALW Elk season. PDF Important Notice to All Members Applying for Hunting Permits State Forestry, Astoria: 503-325-5451;Tillamook 503-842-2545; Forest Grove 503-357-2191, Stott Mtn/N Alsea Map/Hancock FM NW- front (pdf),Stott Mtn/N Alsea Map/Hancock FM NW- back (pdf)Project information: A&H funds are used to hire 6 Oregon State Police Senior Troopers to patrol these industrial timberlands which havemultiple landowners, from August to December. No camping within 50 feet of any water. On the Washington side of the river, Hancock has been . 310. Primary: Elk, deer, bear, cougar, predators, quail, grouse, turkey, Secondary: Band-tailed pigeon, mourning dove, western gray squirrel, furbearers, unprotected mammals, Vehicle traffic restricted to green dot roads from August 1- December 31. The Oregon Department of Forestry public fire restrictions map is a good source of info, or check with the land manager where you are headed. 3 0 obj . To get a permit, please being the following information with you: Driver's License Spouse w/ their Driver's License Current Proof of Vehicle Insurance Vehicle Regristration Payment must be made with a personal check, cashier's check, or money order for $225 Please make payment out to "Hancock Forest Management" If you have any other quetsions . No camping, no fires, be careful with cigarettes. Rayonier (Chehalis office) 360-740-4323 Grande Ronde & John Day Watersheds / Catherine Creek, Mt. The increased law enforcement provides an incentive to private timberland owners to continue to allow hunting access. Stimson Lumber: 503-357-2131 Turn right onto USFS 39, then turn left onto USFS 3915. mule deer, elk, pronghorn, forest grouse, turkey, rabbit, California quail, bear, cougar, coyote. Should you have additional questions after reading through the agreement please route them through My Outdoor Agent, the recreation managers. You will have to complete an application prior to being approved as qualified. Hunt options, including hunt numbers, in western Washington are: Hunters selected for the Kapowsin Tree Farm hunt must purchase an access permit from Hancock Forest Management by calling (800) 782-1493., Summaries of the last special hunt permit drawing. Day use only, open 1 hour before sunset to 1 hour after sunset. "It's cutting off a lot of our trails," she said. The first contact is often a neighboring landowner or existing RMS hunt club. 97 sq mi in Townships 40 & 41S, Ranges 4, 5 & 6E. Consult the Big Game Regs for more info. 3 days prior to opening of archery season through June 15th. This access project is being funded through 2021 by the Access and Habitat Program, which provides public hunting access and improves wildlife habitat on private land. If your special use permit requires you to obtain PALs info, call (661) 723-2752. The majority of our Pierce County lands are a part of our expanded Eatonville recreation area, previously managed by Manulife Investment Management (Hancock Forest Management). A&H funds are used to pay landowners on a per-acre basis for public hunting access. * Signifies TMAs that have maps. mi in Units 49, 52, and 54 in townships 1 & 2S, Township 1N, Ranges 34, 35, and 36E. Approx. 3 mi of Rd in Townships 3 & 4S, Range 48E. Cooperators require day use only on private lands, no ATV use, no e-bikes, no vehicle may block any Rd or gate, no fires, no camping. Prior to the new year, only those who used the forest for motorized recreation needed to purchase a permit. Special hunting permit applications are available for deer, elk, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, moose, wild turkey, and bear. Posted and gated Rds N of 46 Rd in Chesnimnus Unit closed. With this year's extreme fire danger, hunters, anglers and others heading outdoors are reminded to "know before you go" and check for access restrictions due to fire danger. "The non-motorized permit is designed to treat all users equitably while establishing rules for appropriate behavior while on the property," said the company statement. 59 sq mi in Townships 20 & 21S, Ranges 31, 32, & 32-1/2E. On occasion, certain roads might also be gated due to forestry operations. That part of Chesnimnus Unit in Wallowa-Whitman NF. Explore and help protect this 700,000-acre wonderland! ODFW Maps - Foot traffic only; no ATVs. 4 0 obj A&H funds are being used to hire 5 Oregon State Police Senior Troopers to patrol the private timberlands from Augustto December. This access is granted to individuals and organized groups through an expansive licensing and land leasing program. 89 sq mi in Unit 24 and Townships 25, 26 & 27S, Ranges 9, 10 & 11W. Good news for archery hunters: Hancock Forest Management just announced their lands in NE Oregon will open to day use as of tomorrow, Aug. 24. >}P}V$)6xs9ek) .wn Enumclaw Area Job Openings: Check Out The Latest. Employee Directory | Social Media | | File Formats | Employee Webmail | ODFW License Agents }r}]vlv0DHxes\Hc)Jb3K25Fc>h7pOv%58k-yQj 0OXj]zJa9kiul6az20*0-&L $0=96.x4q~dh]fK|$Hl2K* endobj in Townships 2 & 3N, Ranges 43, 44, & 45E. Privacy Policy, 9600 SW Barnes Road -Suite 200 -Portland, OR - 97225, Our forestlands in Pierce County all require recreational access permits. From the high desert to mountains, the forest is the backyard playground to over 20 millionpeople in the Greater Los Angeles Area. Your forest has a unique Mediterranean ecosystem full of wildlife, flora, and much more! 2 0 obj "There may also be weather-related closures for extreme conditions such as fire danger," the letter said. Inc. does not allow unauthorized commercial packing, guiding, or hunting services or commercial gathering of firewood or mushrooms on its lands. Approximately 4 miles north of La Grande off Owsley Canyon Road, Primary: mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, turkey, pheasant, Hungarian partridge, California quail, ruffed grouse. Sumpter WMU Map. The restrictions impact Hancock properties in the travel management areas Shamrock, Whiskey Cr, Noregaard, Little Catherine Cr, Meacham and any other Hancock properties enrolled in the A and H program in northeast Oregon. No camping on private lands; no fires; leave gates as you find them. No motorized vehicles on access area; walk-in hunting only (horses and bicycles ok). These grants help maintain OHV opportunities across the Angeles National Forest. The Wallowa Whitman National Forest also announced yesterday that it is moving to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 4 due to extreme fire danger. Surveillance cameras may be in use. 17 sq mi in Townships 38 & 39S, Ranges 12 & 13E. 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE The Division of Wildlife has issued 37,610 spring turkey permits that are valid throughout the spring hunting season. mi. The RMS License Agreement and Good Neighbor Policy do not permit stands to be erected within 50 yards of the property line, a hunt club boundary, or a public road (distance from road may be farther depending on state regulations). Bait or hounds are not allowed for bear hunting. All gated, posted and/or barrier closed Rds within Alsea, Stott Mtn. Enter a drawing for a chance to hunt on the 6,000-acre Charles and Mary Eder unit of the Scotch Creek Wildlife Area in northeast Okanogan County. ; Hindman Rd. Ltd's activities in the forest or any person granted access to the forest by Te Uranga b2 Inc and Hancock Forest Management (NZ) Ltd. The permit holder shall not do anything or omit to do anything that may become or is an annoyance, nuisance, damage or disturbance to Te Uranga B2 Inc and Hancock Forest Management (NZ) Ltd or other .
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